7-8 maart 2024: Applied Bioinformatics in Life Sciences (5th edition) | VIB | Leuven

Doelgroep: Big Data, Bioinformatics, Computational biology, Data mining and analysis, Imaging, Machine learning/Artificial Intelligence (doctorandi, postdocs, academici)

21 maart 2024: ADS Doctoral Day

Schrijf je in voor 13 maart

19-22 maart 2024: From 3D Light to 3D Electron Microscopy | VIB | Gent

Doelgroep: Cell biology, Imaging, Microscopy (doctorandi, postdocs, academici)

26 maart 2024: A Hands-on Introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) | Stadscampus

OJO-seminarie | onderzoeksgroepen Government & Law en Politics & Public Governance | Gratis maar registratie via e-mail is vereist | Plaatsen zijn beperkt

28 maart 2024: Job Market for Young Researchers | Live event in Flanders Expo Gent

Schrijf je nu in voor het online pre-programma (6/2-21/3) & live event

14-16 april 2024: PHOSPORE Spring School | Brussel

Doelgroep: Porous hybrid materials, Materials science (laatstejaars masterstudenten, doctorandi, postdocs)

15 april: Keeping things private: Exploring open-source large language models for sensitive text data

Workshop aangeboden door TEXTUA & VAIA | dr. Enrique Manjavacas | 10u00-16u00 | Stadscampus, S.C.002

18 en 25 april & 2 mei 2024: What does it mean to be a researcher in 21st century academia?

Op verschillende locaties: UGent, VUB, UAntwerpen

15-16 mei 2024: Knowledge for Growth

Europe's finest life sciences conference | Antwerpen

30-31 mei 2024: Recent insights into Immuno-Oncology (2nd edition) |VIB | Antwerpen

Doelgroep: Cancer biology, Immunology & inflammation (doctorandi, postdocs, academici)

6 juni 2024: Postdoc Day

Voor postdocs en laatstejaars-doctorandi

13-14 juni 2024: Spatial Omics | VIB | Gent

Doelgroep: Big Data, Bioinformatics, Cancer biology, Computational biology, Data mining and analysis, Human diseases, Imaging, Immunology & inflammation, Integrative omics, Machine learning/Artificial Intelligence, Mass spectrometry, Metabolomics, Microscopy, Multi-omics, Neurobiology, Omics, Plant biology, Spatial omics, Tools & technologies, Transcriptomics (doctorandi, postdocs, academici)

11-13 september 2024: The Leuven Protein Aggregation Meeting (2nd edition) | VIB | Leuven

Doelgroep: Human diseases, Protein technologies, Neurobiology (doctorandi, postdocs, academici)

10-11 oktober 2024: The Brain Mosaic: Cellular heterogeneity in the CNS (3rd edition) | VIB | Leuven

Doelgroep: Human diseases, Single cell technology, Neurobiology (doctorandi, postdocs, academici)