What works to retain beginning teachers in the profession? A mixed methods approach to detect determining factors
Education Sciences - ISSN 2227-7102-14:12 (2024) p. 1-25
Dataset : Artificial light at night advances the onset of vocal activity in both male and female great tits during the breeding season, while noise pollution has less impact and only in females
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Despertando la imaginación : potencia el aprendizaje del español con imágenes
Antwerpen, Universiteit Antwerpen, 2024,29 p.
Professionalisering voor schoolleiders met impact op schoolontwikkeling : wat werkt?
Schoolleiderschap in ontwikkeling / De Ruytter, G. [edit.]; Martin, A. [edit.]-p. 111-135
Artificial light at night advances the onset of vocal activity in both male and female great tits during the breeding season, while noise pollution has Less impact and only in females
Animals - ISSN 2076-2615-14:22 (2024) p. 1-18