Family reunification and administrative citizenship : a transnational perspective
Family reunification in Europe : exposing inequalities / Desmet, E. [edit.]; et al.-p. 259-275
Governing 'migrant irregularity' and squatting in Amsterdam
Cities : the international journal of urban policy and planning - ISSN 0264-2751-153 (2024) p. 1-12
Fraudulent families? Investigating the role of paperwork in the assessment of refugees' family reunification in Belgium
Journal of immigrant & refugee studies - ISSN 1556-2948- (2023) p. 1-15
Daring to aspire : theorising aspirations in contexts of displacement and highly constrained mobility
Journal of ethnic and migration studies - ISSN 1369-183X-49:15 (2023) p. 3816-3835
“Exit Italy”? social and spatial (im)mobilities as conditions of protracted displacement
Journal of ethnic and migration studies - ISSN 1369-183X-48:18 (2022) p. 4402-4418