Thursday, 4 April 2019
On Thursday 4 April 2019 the University of Antwerp confered its honorary degrees on four eminent scientists and Nobel Peace Prize winner 2018 Dr Denis Mukwege.
The ceremony was preceded by master classes led by the honorary doctors.
Honorary degrees
The University of Antwerp will confer its honorary degrees on four eminent scientists and a Nobel Peace Prize winner.

Overview honorary doctors
Dr Denis Mukwege
- Honorary degree for General Merit
- Nobel Peace Prize winner 2018
- Laudation: Rector Herman Van Goethem
- Master class: Conflict-related sexual violence
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Denis Mukwege
Dr Denis Mukwege will receive an honorary degree in recognition of his expertise and accomplishments in the field of gynecology and maternal health care, and more specifically his actions with regard to sexual violence as director of the Panzi Hospital.

Prof Mathias Dewatripont
- Honorary degree in Business and Economics
- Laudation: Prof Jan Bouckaert
- Master class: How sound are banks today?
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- Extra video Prof Mathias Dewatripont
Mathias Dewatripont
Prof Mathias Dewatripont (Université Libre de Bruxelles and honorary vice-governor of the National Bank of Belgium) will receive an honorary degree in recognition of his contributions in the field of the theory of incentives and his scientifically based policy contributions to the prudential regulation of financial institutions.

Prof Heidi Larson
- Honorary degree in Medicine and Health Sciences
- Laudation: Prof Pierre Van Damme
- Master class: Vaccine Emotions: Why politics, beliefs and histories matter
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Heidi Larson
Prof Heidi Larson (London School of Hygiene Tropical Medicine) in recognition of her expertise in the field of vaccine confidence and hesitancy.

Prof Jane Lubchenco
- Honorary degree in Science
- Laudation: Prof Filip Meysman
- Master class: How can a marine biologist influence a president?
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Jane Lubchenco
Prof Jane Lubchenco (Oregon State University) in recognition of her expertise in the field of marine ecology and environment science.

Prof Xavier Maldague
- Honorary degree in Applied Engineering
- Laudation: Prof Gunther Steenackers
- Master class: Infrared Vision for Artwork and Cultural Heritage NDE Studies
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Xavier Maldague
Prof Xavier Maldague received an honorary degree of UAntwerp in recognition of his expertise in the field of infrared thermography. He was proposed by the Faculty of Applied Engineering.

15 May 2019
Prof Muyembe
Following his VLIR-UOS honorary doctorate, Prof Jean-Jacques Muyembe gave a master class at UAntwerp, 15 May 2019. Prof Jean-Jacques Muyembe (DR Congo) is director of the Institut National de Recherche Biomédicale and a professor at the University of Kinshasa.
New tools for the control of Ebola Virus Disease outbreaks
Following his VLIR-UOS honorary doctorate, Prof Muyembe gave a master class at UAntwerp, 15 May 2019