Blackboard course on information literacy
In Blackboard you can find a course called ‘Informatievaardigheden’, offering students the essentials on using information efficiently. For the moment the course is only available in Dutch however.
Tutorials on Mediasite
The library has its own Mediasite catalogue where you can find short clips and tutorials on how to use the library resources and other useful subjects.
Open Library courses
Throughout the year, the library organizes open training sessions on searching and using scientific information. Recordings of the online sessions are available on Mediasite.
Individual appointment
Still not sure after consulting all the above tools and resources? Need help with a systematic review or some other complex search query?
Then we will gladly make time to took into it together. Book an individual appointment with a librarian online.
For systematic reviews the library can help you with your search query, search terms and search strategy, but not with the selection/quality assessment of the literature found. More information can be found here.