Sociale Wetenschappen

Comforting Communication

FSW lecture Dirk De Wachter - 3 mei 2023

Comforting communication is one of the most challenging forms of interpersonal communication. Many people struggle to engage in supportive communication with those for whom life is hard. Moreover, most of us spent more time communicating online than in real life. Yet support needs to be experienced, felt in real life in the first place.  We need to look each other in the eye, touch each other and communicate comfort face-to-face, even when it is hard to find the ‘right words to say’ and the ‘right things to do.’ In this guest lecture Prof. Dr.  Dirk De Wachter talks about his latest book on comforting communication (Vertroostingen - Gewone woorden van Dirk De Wachter). He examines how we can find and offer comfort in even the most difficult moments. Comfort communication is about art, nature, beauty, thoughts and rituals, but above all: the other.

This guest lecture is part of the course Interpersonal & Intercultural Communication, is offered in English and will be recorded.

Timing: Wednesday May 3th, 17u

Location: S.M.005

Online registration form

About the speaker

Prof. Dr. Dirk De Wachter is psychiatrist and psychotherapist at UPC KU Leuven, with expertise in systemic and family therapy. He is known for his socially critical voice, and comforting messages. He wrote several bestsellers, including ‘Borderline Times’, ‘De Wereld van De Wachter’ (about the impact of digitalization) and most recent ‘Vertroostingen - Gewone woorden van Dirk De Wachter’.

Picture: ©Kristof Ghyselinck