Cluster for elderly care GITSCHOTELHOF

De volledige studieopdracht voor de opmaak van een zorgstrategisch masterplan voor de Wijk Borgerhout Extra Muros, OCMW Antwerpen.
Open Oproep Vlaamse Bouwmeester 1713 (2009)
Architectural competition for creating a new cluster with a residential care center and homes for elderly

Research questions.

The building experiments with new concepts of elderly care buildings on three levels :

- What is the impact of organizing the social living concept in smaller groups (7 to 8 people, the size of a family)?

- What can be the architectural expression of the homely within a big institute (180 rooms)?

-What can be the impact on the neighborhood by turning the building bloc inside-out and thus making a public space inside the bloc which invites neighbors to visit the plot, and showing the life of the elderly on the outside and not hiding it behind the walls of a big institute?


Publication contacts are ongoing.
The Zorgbedrijf Antwerpen, owner of the building will use the concept for developing further elderly care projects