Multifunctional building "deLichttoren" in Eindhoven

Winning architectural competition design (1999). Renovation and expansion of the Philips Lichttower at the Mathildelaan in Eindhoven, (Nl). The program consists of 140 loft apartments, offices, commercial and public-oriented (cultural) functions, short-stay hotel, underground parking for approximately 250 cars, a total of 35.000 m².

Research questions.

1) To investigate the adaptability of an old monolithic concrete "Hennebique" structure to contemporary needs.

2) To explore the visual effect of contemporary high standard detailing of interventions in heritage buildings.

3) To explore how old and new can reinforce and relates to the improvement of a better social environment.

4) To investigate how we can build "an intelligent ruin"; the making of an intelligent, structural framework allowing for various use, and adaptable to changing needs in the future. (= oeuvre research-quest in the work of awg architecten)


The study and the project have been consulted widely and cross-border on different forums. There are several websites that have published the project.

The project has also been published in (and by);

* the Dutch Yearbook Architecture of the year 2010/11, as an “example project” in its discipline (“awg architecten De Lichttoren / The Light Tower”, Architecture in the Netherlands Yearbook 2010/2011, NAi Publishers, Rotterdam (NL) 2011, ISBN 978-901-5662-806-2, p. 54-57).

* Rene Erven, “Een Intelligente Ruïne”. Inhoud, Architectuurcentrum Eindhoven, Eindhoven (Nl), 2009

* Kees Doevendans, "De ontphilipste stad." Architectuurcentrum Eindhoven, Eindhoven (Nl), 2009

* Peter de Winter (redactie), "Lichtend voorbeeld van herbestemming." Bouwwereld, Reed Business, Doetinchem (Nl), 2010

* Philippine Zaal et al (redactie), Gulden Fenix. Jaarboek, Stichting Nationaal Renovatie Platform ism SBR, Rotterdam (Nl) 2012