Claire Fornoville is a PhD researcher with the Government and Law Research Group and the Jan Ronse Institute for Company and Financial Law (KU Leuven). She holds a Master of Laws (University of Antwerp, summa cum laude) and studied Comparative, International, and European Law at Mannheim Universität (Germany). Claire combines her academic activities with practice experience as an attorney in public-economic law, constitutional law, and corporate law. She previously advised the Federal Government on the implementation of the Sixth state reform.
Areas of Expertise:
- Public-economic Law, with a main interest in state-owned enterprises and autonomous public bodies
- Constitutional Law (state institutions and federalism)
- Regulatory Law
Selected Publications:
- Delvoie, J. and Fornoville, C. (2022) FDI Screening in Belgium: It Is Complicated.
- Delvoie, J. and Fornoville, C. (2021) Lost in translation? Over de toepassing van de beginselen van behoorlijk bestuur op ‘‘privaatrechtelijk’’ overheidshandelen.
- Fornoville, C. (2019) Publieke sector: verhouding tussen de commissaris en de toezichthoudende overheid – Secteur public: relations entre le commissaire et l’autorité de tutelle.
Full Publication List: repository.uantwerpen.be/acadbib/irua/25302/N
Selected Projects:
- 2024 - 2028 - Accountability of Belgian State-Owned Enterprises: An assessment of the accountability mechanisms for the non-financial aspects of their functioning on the basis of public and corporate law good governance principles and a comparative analysis with Germany and the USA