Jakob Frateur graduated in History and, later, Political Science at the University of Antwerp, where he is now undergoing his PhD research. HIs initial research was on the topic of representation in multilevel systems in the political science department, and now he is looking at the topic of political trust in multilevel systems in times of crisis (both law and political science).
Jakob's research is interdisciplinary, both relating to law and to political science. As such, he is also affiliated with the Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Poltical Science, research group (PPG) as well as the GOVTRUST centre of excellence.
Areas of Expertise:
- Political Trust
- Multilevel Governance
- (Belgian) Federal System(s)
- Crisis Governance
Selected Publications:
- Frateur, J. et al. (2023) Exploring the Relationship between Federal Reform and the Representation of the People: The Case of the Belgian House of Representatives.
- Frateur, J. (2022) Een groene long rond Antwerpen : veranderingen in aanleg en gebruik van stadsgroen op de Antwerpse stadsomwalling in de achttiende eeuw.
Full Publication List: repository.uantwerpen.be/acadbib/irua/22807/N
Selected Projects:
- LEGITIMULT project (Horizon Europe, funded by the EC)