Florence Van Durme is a doctoral researcher and teaching assistant within the research group Government and Law. Her research focuses on climate, environment, and human rights. In her PhD she examines the role of social actors in achieving environmental justice, from a legal and socio-legal perspective. She teaches the practicum Climate, Environment and Law and is also the teaching assistant for the course Sociology and Sociology of Law. She joined the faculty in 2020.
Previously, she worked as a lawyer in an international law firm for four years, where her focus was mainly on public law. She also did an internship at the Permanent Mission of Belgium to the United Nations and other international organisations established in Geneva during one of the sessions of the Human Rights Council.
Areas of Expertise:
- Environmental, Climate, and Energy Law
- Environmental Justice
- Human Rights
- Sociology of Law
- Qualitative Research
Selected Publications:
- Van Durme, F. (2024) ‘Environmental justice’: de verdelende dimensie van milieurechtvaardigheid in het juridische kader in Vlaanderen
- Van Durme, F. and Nicòtina, A. (2023) Funding as an element of access to justice in environmental protection cases in Belgium: a socio-legal analysis.
- Van Durme, F. (2022) Annotatie bij EHRM 4 augustus 2020, Tërshana t/ Albanië.
Full Publication List: repository.uantwerpen.be/acadbib/irua/21288/N
Selected Projects:
- 2021 - 2025 - Environmental justice, law and regulation: societal actor influence on law’s effectiveness and legal transformation.