Michiel Luining is doctoral researcher in the Law Faculty at the University of Antwerp. His research focuses on the use and abuse of European contemporary constitutional discourse for fundamental rights protection. His research interests i.a. cover the European Union, constitutional discourse, EU law, and Central-Europe. Luining previously lectured at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs of Leiden University, has worked at the EU department of Clingendael, The Netherlands Institute for International Relations, and was a trainee at the Dutch Embassy in Prague, Czech Republic. He graduated cum laude in European Studies at the University of Groningen and the University of Göttingen (double degree), holds a Bachelor’s degree in History from Leiden University, and, among others, studied at the University of Amsterdam and American University, Washington DC.
Areas of Expertise:
- European Union
- Constitutional Discourse
- EU Law
- Central-Europe
Selected Publications:
- Luining, M. (2023) Rechten van de mens - Verbod op onmenselijke of vernederende behandeling - «Haatmisdrijf» op grond van seksuele geaardheid - Verbod op discriminatie - Procedurele en positieve verplichtingen onder EVRM.
- Luining, M. (2022) Europese waarden te (goed)koop?
- Luining, M. (2021) The EU’s rule of law: Work is needed.
Full Publication List: repository.uantwerpen.be/acadbib/irua/21289/N
Selected Projects:
- 2020 - 2024 - Trojan Horse Discourse: The Use and Abuse of Contemporary Constitutional Discourse for Fundamental Rights Prorection