Fien Van Reempts is a PhD researcher and teaching assistant working under the supervision of prof. Johan Meeusen. Her research focuses on the interplay between the principles of primacy and direct effect, and the effectiveness of directives in horizontal situations before national courts.
Before joining the Government and Law research group at the University of Antwerp, she obtained a Research Master of Laws at the KU Leuven (magna cum laude) and an LL.M. in European Legal Studies at the College of Europe (mention très bien). After graduating from the College of Europe, she conducted a traineeship at the Court of Justice of the European Union, in the cabinet of President Koen Lenaerts.
Areas of Expertise:
- EU Constitutional Law
- EU Fundamental Rights Law
- EU Institutional Law
Selected Publications:
- Van Reempts, F. (2023) De rechtstreekse werking van het evenredigheidsvereiste opnieuw bekeken: de bredere relevantie van de dubbele correctie (Zaak C 205/20 NE II).
- Van Reempts, F. (2022) Noot onder Hof van Justitie 8 maart 2022, C-205/20, 'NE II'.
- Van Reempts, F. (2022) Module 4: Privacy.
Full Publication List: repository.uantwerpen.be/acadbib/irua/23905/N
Selected Projects:
- 2023 - 2027 - The effectiveness of directives in horizontal situations: a reassessment in the post-exclusion/substitution dichotomy era.