In early 2016, the Flemish government appointed intendant Alexander D'Hooghe, to prepare a cap and liveability projects for the R1 (the Ring in Antwerp). This assignment mainly translates into researching the social feasibility of a complete roofing of the Antwerp Ring, to subsequently develop follow-up projects. Bringing together a stakeholder coalition for the cap is considered as one and indivisible with the spatial design, through co-creation and participation. The visions of different Citizens' initiatives are being integrated and their authors are involved in the process as stakeholder. The project for the cap considers the Ring not just as an infrastructure, but also and especially as a sub-area of the city; the project therefore contains technical, spatial, social and cultural layers.

Starting from the ambition note of the Intendant of the capping of the Antwerp Ring ( six teams of urban planners, urban designers, architects, landscape designers, engineers and participation experts were asked to design the roofs of six sub-zones between September 2017 and May 2018. The team of Ring_South (Agence Ter, TVK, Arcadis, UAntwerp, Interboro) designs the complete

covering of the southern zone of the Ring and organizes the co-creation process with local residents and organizations. The team of the intendant provides a spatial and process-based framework that ensures coherence between the different zones of the Ring.

Researcher(s)Marleen Goethals
Commissioned by: Vlaamse Overheid - Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken
Partner(s): Agence Ter, TVK, Arcadis, Interboro
Period: 2017 - 2018

Participation moment with the game table February '18

Design and Build for the Cap, Jan de Voslei 12-17 februari ‘18

Temporary tea room at the Kielparktoren during the workshop