The daily traffic jams, the debate about air quality, the systematic discussions about environmental conflicts whenever a new infrastructure project is launched: all these symptoms point out that the remodelling of a transport network, together with the reorganisation of a sprawling territory, seems unavoidable and demands an integrated approach. Today, however, the disciplines of transport infrastructure design on the one hand and urbanism on the other hand do not cover much common ground.
Our research group is the main expert in the relationship between space, mobility and infrastructure, both from a historical perspective as a contemporary perspective. Key research issues of this research group are integrated infrastructure design, accessibility and right to mobility, spatial impact of logistics and transport modes, train station area redevelopment, reintegration of ringroad infrastructure, bicycle oriented design and transit oriented development.
Research projects:
Job accessibility, barrier or lever to employment



The role of employers and workplaces in transport

Accessibility, transport justice and transport-related social exclusion

Mobility hubs

Transport planning, pricing and economic thought

Sustainable mobility and the modal split of cities

From bikeability to bicycle oriented development

Transportation and mobility structure in the Province of Antwerp

Towards a smart, safe and robust road network in Flanders

Route N16

Highway x City

Toronto: Middle City Passages

Re-use of underground spaces

Best practices for area developments

Envies de Loire: international design competition

From Flux to Frame

Metabolism Antwerp

In Via Veritas

A-passages. Left bank.

Small stations - big challenges
