Lezing Water in de Wereld - 2 juni 2016

Lezing georganiseerd door de Leerstoel Integraal Waterbeheer van het Instituut voor Milieu en Duurzame Ontwikkeling (UAnwterpen) en het 'Centre Environmental Science and Technology (UGent).

Animal migrations and river ecosystem functions in the Mara River, Kenya

Dr. Amanda Subalusky

Amanda recently completed her PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Yale University and is currently a postdoctoral scientist with the Cary Institute of Ecosystem studies. Her Research focuses on the influence of animals on aquatic ecosystem function.


Expedition Okavango: the quest for the lost elements

Dr. Jonas Schoelynck

Jonas is an FWO postdoc fellow in the Ecosystem Management Research group at the University of Antwerp. His main interest is the functional role of aquatic vegetation in rivers and wetland ecosystems. Over the years, he has developed a particular fondness for African wetlands.


Donderdag 2 juni 2016, 6.30 -10 p.m.


Universiteit Antwerpen, Stadscampus, Hof Van Liere, Willem Elsschotzaal

Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerpen


Prijs: 15 euro (inclusief broodjes voor en receptie na de lezing)

studenten gratis