ARIA onderzoeksseminaries & congressen 2024-2025
Artistieke onderzoeksseminaries & congressen
- Urban Travel Machines: sharing experiences on dome projection creation for poetry - 28.11.2024
- Ciné Place-Making II: Cinema as Assembly - a study circle - 10-15.03.2025
- METHOD/ART 2025, edition #7 - Methods in Artistic Research - 31.03.2025 & 01.04.2025
- Mind the Body! Towards Embodied Strategies and Participatory Musicking in Intercultural Settings - 29.04.2025
- Artistic temporalities - May 2025
Onderzoeksseminaries & congressen over Kunst & Samenleving
- Lijsttrekkersdebat - Ruimte voor A - 10.09.2024
Onderzoeksseminaries & congressen over Kunst & Media Archeologie
- Summer School - Performing Media Histories - 26-30.08.2024
- Audiovisual Sources as Counter-archives - 23.09.2024
- In-between Imagination and Politics: Writing the History of Circus - 14.10.2024
- Singing the Silences - 18.11.2024