Chair Jean-Pierre Blumberg

Education, research and social engagement on the topic of corporate governance

This chair was established in 2021 in permanent memory of Jean-Pierre Blumberg. The activities of the chair consist of education, research and social engagement relating to the topic of corporate governance

Prof. Dr. Robby Houben is the chairholder. Dr. Tom Vos has been appointed as a researcher and visiting professor with the chair. 

In the academic year 2022-2023, Dr. Tom Vos will teach a course on “international corporate governance” in the context of the chair. In the context of this course, a series of lectures on corporate governance and sustainability will be organized, which will be open to the general public. If you want to be informed about these activities, please register here for our newsletter.

The research agenda of the chair consists of research on the legal and economic aspects of corporate governance. More specifically, the chair investigates the short-termism problem in corporate governance and how corporate governance can contribute to sustainability. Recently, Prof. Dr. Robby Houben and Dr. Tom Vos were awarded financing a research project on “Short-termism in corporate governance: a continental European perspective” by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) (more information can be found here).

The chair is open to donations.