Bedrijfs­wetenschappen en Economie

Working Papers


Working Papers 2024

HINOJOSA-LEE, Maria Cristina, Johan BRAET & Johan SPRINGAEL: "Evaluating performance metrics in emotion lexicon distillation: A focus on F1 scores"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Emotion analysis, Multi label dataset, Lexicon, Annotated datasets, F1- score, Performance metrics

MENTENS, Lander, Adriaan HERREMANS, Johan BRAET & Johan SPRINGAEL: "Navigating uncertainties for ensuring energy security"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

Working Papers 2023

BRAITEH, Dima K. & Ans DE VOS: "Impact of career shocks on employee well-being. The roles of individual adaptability and self-monitoring among Lebanese banking employees"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Career shocks, Self-monitoring, Individual adaptability, Employee well-being

AYOUB, Maysam: "Audit firms’ network structure and audit quality"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Audit offices, Audit quality, Spatial distribution, Geographic distance

AYOUB, Maysam: "European evidence on the effects of audit office changes on clients' financial reporting quality"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

BENIGNO, Pierpaolo, Paolo CANOFARI, Giovanni DI BARTOLOMEO & Marcello MESSORI: "The ECB’s new inflation target from a short- and long-term perspective"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: European Central Bank, Inflation expectations, Stagflation, Policy mix

BENIGNO, Pierpaolo, Paolo CANOFARI, Giovanni DI BARTOLOMEO & Marcello MESSORI: "The spectre of financial dominance in the eurozone"
JEL Classifications: E31, E51, E58
Keywords: Fiscal dominance, Financial dominance, ECB, Monetary policy

DI BARTOLOMEO, Giovanni & Carolina SERPIERI: "Optimal monetary policy and the vintage-dependent price and wage Phillips curves: An international comparison"
JEL Classifications: E31, E32, C11
Keywords: Duration-dependent adjustments, Intrinsic inflation persistence, DSGE models, Hybrid Phillips curves, Optimal policy

CADENOVIC, Jovana, Ine PAELEMAN & Marc DELOOF: "Dividend policy of SMEs: A variance decomposition approach"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Dividend policy, SMEs, Variance decomposition

GÜNDÜZ, Gül, Kenneth SÖRENSEN & Muhammed KOTAN: "Conflict-free routing of workstation-capacitated tow trains for assembly line feeding optimization in just-in-time"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Conflict-free tow train routing, Simulated Annealing, A* algorithm, Optimization, Just-in-time

GALARZA MONTENEGRO, Bryan David, Kenneth SÖRENSEN & Pieter VANSTEENWEGEN: "A demand-responsive feeder service with a maximum headway at mandatory stops"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Meta-heuristics, Public bus transport, Feeder service, Demand-responsive transportation

Working Papers 2022

CARR, Joel: "BLM protests and racial hate crime in the United States"
JEL Classifications: J15, K14, D74
Keywords: Racism, Hate crime, Crime

AERTS, Babiche, Trijntje CORNELISSENS & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "The internal warehouse replenishment problem: the importance of storage and replenishment policies"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Inventory, Warehousing, Forward reserve, Replenishment

VAN MEIR, Amy, Trijntje CORNELISSENS & Johan SPRINGAEL: "Analysis of the impact of responsiveness on the capital cost of a make-to-order multiproduct batch plant"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Batch Plant Design, Make To Order, Non-dedicated Storage, Supply Chain Responsiveness, Delivery Lead Time, MILP, Heuristics

LIAN, Ying, Flavien LUCAS & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "The electric on-demand bus routing problem with partial charging and nonlinear functions"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: On-demand bus routing problem, Electric vehicle, Non-linear charging function, Partial charging

LIAN, Ying, Flavien LUCAS & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "On-demand bus routing problem with dynamic stochastic requests and prepositioning"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Routing, Stochastic requests, Dynamic requests, Multiple scenarios, Prepositioning

LIAN, Ying, Flavien LUCAS & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "The on-demand bus routing problem with real-time traffic information"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: On-demand bus, Real-time traffic information, Dynamic travel speed, Real-time control

BOUCKAERT, Jan & Johan STENNEK: "Conflicts of interest, ethical standards, and competition in legal services"
JEL Classifications: K40, L13, L22, L44, L84
Keywords: Law firms, Professional services, Dual representation, Representational conflicts of interest, Ethical standards, Chinese walls, Recusals, Negative network externalities, Competition, Self-regulation

BOUCKAERT, Jan & Geert VAN MOER: "When rivals team up in procurement: does it distort competition?"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

Working papers 2021

MILIS, Kevin, Magdalena STÜBER, Johan BRAET & Johan SPRINGAEL: "A dispatching model based exploration of the post-nuclear phase-out Belgian energy mix"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DI BARTOLOMEO, Giovanni, Paolo D'IMPERIO & Francesco FELICI: "The fiscal response to the Italian COVID-19 crisis: A counterfactual analysis"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: COVID-19, Coronavirus, Macroeconomic impact, Fiscal policies, Lockdowns, Fiscal-policy-study case

DI BARTOLOMEO, Giovanni, Martin DUFWENBERG & Stefano PAPA: "Promises and Partner-Switch"
JEL Classifications: A13, C91, D01, D64
Keywords: Promises, Partner-switching, Expectations, Commitment, Guilt, Informal agreements

MELIS, Lissa, Michell QUEIROZ & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "The integrated on-demand bus routing problem"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

MELIS, Lissa & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "The real-time on-demand bus routing problem:what is the cost of dynamic requests?"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Public transport, Transportation, Metaheuristic, Mobility on demand

VERBIEST, Floor, Trijntje CORNELISSENS & Johan SPRINGAEL: "Multiperiod chemical batch plant design for a single product or mixed product campaign mode of operation"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

BOUCKAERT, Jan & Geert VAN MOER: "Joint bidding and horizontal subcontracting"
JEL Classifications: D43, L13, L14, L41
Keywords: Joint bidding, Horizontal subcontracting, Buyer power

Working papers 2020

PARYS, Wilfried: "David Ricardo, the Stock Exchange, and the Battle of Waterloo: Samuelsonian legends lack historical evidence"
JEL Classifications: B12, B31, N23
Keywords: David Ricardo, Paul Samuelson, Piero Sraffa, London Stock Exchange, British Loans

GÁMEZ ALBÁN, Harol Mauricio, Trijntje CORNELISSENS & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "Scattered storage assignment: Mathematical model and valid inequalities to optimize the intra-order item distances"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Logistics, Scattered storage, E-commerce, Mathematical optimization, Valid inequalities

KLEIN, Mathias, Hamza POLATTIMUR & Roland WINKLER: "Fiscal spending multipliers over the household leverage cycle"
JEL Classifications: E32, E44, E62, H31
Keywords: Occasionally Binding Constraints, Government Spending Multiplier, Household Leverage Cycle, State-Dependence

MONTENEGRO, Bryan David Galarza, Kenneth SÖRENSEN & Pieter VANSTEENWEGEN: "A demand-responsive feeder service with mandatory and optional, clustered bus-stops"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Flexible bus services, On-demand transportation, Feeder service, Demandresponsive transportation, Combinatorial optimization, Column generation

MELIS, Lissa & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "The on-demand bus routing problem: A large neighborhood search heuristic for a dial-a-ride problem with bus station assignment"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Transportation, Routing, Public transport, Metaheuristic

MARTENS, David: "FAT Flow: A data science ethics framework"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

AERTS, Babiche, Trijntje CORNELISSENS & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "Solving the joint order batching and picker routing problem, as a clustered vehicle routing problem"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

TURKEŠ, Renata, Kenneth SÖRENSEN & Daniel PALHAZI CUERVO: "Deriving rules of thumb for facility decision making in humanitarian operations"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

BILLEN, Pieter, Ben MAES, Macarena LARRAÍN & Johan BRAET: "Replacing SF6 in electrical gas-insulated switchgear: Technological alternatives and potential life cycle greenhouse gas savings in an EU-28 perspective"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

Working papers 2019

TURKEŠ, Renata, Kenneth SÖRENSEN, Lars Magnus HVATTUM, Eva BARRENA, Hayet CHENTLI, Leandro COELHO, Iman DAYARIAN, Axel GRIMAULT, Anders GULLHAVE, Çağatay IRIS, Merve KESKIN, Alexander KIEFER, Richard LUSBY, Geraldo MAURI, Marcela MONROY-LICHT, Sophie PARRAGH, Juan-Pablo RIQUELME-RODRÍGUEZ, Alberto SANTINI, Vinicius Gandra MARTINS SANTOS & Charles THOMAS: "Meta-analysis of metaheuristics: Quantifying the effect of adaptiveness in adaptive large neighborhood search"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

SENGA, Christian: "Portfolio optimization at the frontier: Assessing the diversification benefits of African securities"
JEL Classifications: G11, G15, C46
Keywords: International diversification, Mean-Variance Spanning, Frontier markets, Africa

Working papers 2018

PRAET, Stiene, Peter VAN AELST & David MARTENS: "I like, therefore I am. Predictive modeling to gain insights in political preference in a multi-party system"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

AERTS, Babiche, Trijntje CORNELISSENS & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "The influence of e-commerce on the design of warehouses - a literature review"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Storage and retrieval systems, Warehouse design, Automation, AGV

VANHOEYVELD, Jellis & David MARTENS: "Towards a scalable anomaly detection with pseudo-optimal hyperparameters"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Anomaly detection, Unsupervised hyperparameter tuning, Fixed-width clustering, Data compression

CLARKE, Philip & Guido ERREYGERS: "Defining and measuring health poverty"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

ARNOLD, Florian & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "A progressive filtering heuristic for the location-routing problem and variants"
JEL CLassifications: -
Keywords: Vehicle routing problem, Heuristics, Location routing problem, Large scale problem, Local search

TURKEŠ, Renata, Kenneth SÖRENSEN & Daniel PALHAZI CUERVO: "A matheuristic for the pre-positioning of emergency supplies"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

BALLIAUW, Matteo, Thomas VERLINDEN, Lisa DE CROOCQ, Aline FOBE & Tomas VAN DEN SPIEGEL: "A managerial approach to corporate sports hospitality: The case of Belgian football"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Luxury seating, Venue revenues, Management process, Sports marketing

VÁZQUEZ-ALCOCER, Alan, Eric D. SCHOEN & Peter GOOS: "A mixed integer optimization approach for model selection in screening experiments"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Dantzig selector, Definitive screening design, LASSO, Sparsity, Two-factor interaction

PARYS, Wilfried: "Labour values and energy values"
JEL Classifications: B51, C67, D57, Q40
Keywords: Marx, Sraffa, Leontief, Costanza, Energy values, Labour values, Input-output analysis

VERGEYLEN, Nicholas, Kenneth SÖRENSEN & Daniel PALHAZI CUERVO: "Solution space analysis for the bike request scheduling problem"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Combinatorial optimization, Combinatorial complexity, Bike request scheduling problem, Bicycle repositioning, Multi dimensional scaling

TURKEŠ, Renata & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "Case studies and random instances for the problem of pre-positioning emergency supplies"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VÁZQUEZ-ALCOCER, Alan & Hongquan XU: "Construction of two-level nonregular designs of strength three with large run sizes"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Drug combination experiment, Generalized minimum aberration, Orthogonal array, Two-factor interaction, Variable neighborhood search

DE CNUDDE, Sofie, David MARTENS & Foster PROVOST: "An exploratory study towards applying and demystifying deep learning classification on behavioral big data"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

KLEIN, Mathias & Roland WINKLER: "The government spending multiplier at the zero lower bound: International evidence from historical data"
JEL Classifications: E32, E62, E65
Keywords: Government spending multiplier, Zero lower bound, Local projections

Working Papers 2017

ARNOLD, Florian & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "A simple, deterministic, and efficient knowledge-driven heuristic for vehicle routing problem"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Vehicle routing problems, Heuristics, Metaheuristics

TOBBACK, Ellen & David MARTENS: "Retail credit scoring using fine-grained payment data"
JEL Classifiactions: -
Keywords: -

VÁZQUEZ-ALCOCER, Alan, Peter GOOS & Eric D. SCHOEN: "Projections of definitive screening designs by dropping columns: Selection and evaluation"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Conference matrix, D-efficiency, Isomorphism, Projection, Second-order model, Two-factor interaction

MOEYERSOMS, Julie, Brian D'ALESSANDRO, Foster PROVOST & David MARTENS: "Attributing value in a data pooling setting for predictive modeling"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

CLIFTON-SPRIGG, Joanna, Jonathan JAMES & Sunčica VUJIC: "FOI as a data collection tool for economists"
JEL Classifications: C80, C81
Keywords: Data collection, Data access

MILLRINE, Mark & Sunčica VUJIC: "Revisiting Easterly and Levine (1997): Replication and extension"
JEL Classifications: J15, J18, Z13
Keywords: Economic development, Public policy, Ethnic diversity

BALLIAUW, Matteo, Thomas VERLINDEN, Tomas VAN DEN SPIEGEL & Jani VAN HECKE: "Towards a sustainable financial model for professional tennis players"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Tennis, Income inequality, Financial model, Organisational policy, Sports economics

DE CNUDDE, Sofie, David MARTENS, Theodoros EVGENIOU & Foster PROVOST: "A benchmarking study of classification techniques for behavioral data"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

SYS, Christa, Eddy VAN DE VOORDE, Thierry VANELSLANDER & Edwin VAN HASSEL: "De binnenvaart: Traditionele modus, innovatieve toekomst?"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

ARNOLD, Florian & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "What makes a solution good? The generation of problem-specific knowledge for heuristics"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Multi-depot vehicle routing problem, Multi-product, Inventory management, Inventory allocation, Metaheuristics

ARNOLD, Florian & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "From storage to shipment: The effect of ignoring inventory when planning routes"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Multi-depot vehicle routing problem, Multi-product, Inventory management, Inventory allocation, Metaheuristics

PRAET, Stiene & David MARTENS: "Efficient parcel delivery by deriving customers' key locations"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

Niet beschikbaar/Not available

Working Papers 2016

ARES, José Núňez & Peter GOOS: "An integer linear programming approach to find trend-robust run orders of experimental designs"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Factorial designs, Mixed integer program, Orthogonality, Response surface designs, Sequential approach, Trend robustness

TURKEŠ, Renata, Daniel PALHAZI CUERVO & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "Pre-positioning of emergency supplies: Does putting a price on human life help to save lives?"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Humanitarian logistics, Community operational research, Stochastic programming

VÁZQUEZ-ALCOCER, Alan, Peter GOOS & Eric D. SCHOEN: "Two-level designs constructed by concatenating orthogonal arrays of strenght three"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Even-odd design, Generalized aberration, Local search, Second-order saturated, Two-factor interaction, Variable neighborhood search

VO-THANH, Nha, Peter GOOS & Eric D. SCHOEN: "Integer programming approaches to find row-column arrangements of two-level orthogonal experimental designs"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Aliasing, Confounding, Generalized word-length pattern, Integer linear programming, Crossed blocking factors, Row-column design

SELLAMI, Sana, Dieter VERHAEST & Walter VAN TRIER: "How to measure field-of-study mismatch? A comparative analysis of the different methods"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Mismatch, Horizontal mismatch, Measurement, Field of study

VERBIEST, Floor, Trijntje CORNELISSENS & Johan SPRINGAEL: "Design of a chemical batch plant with parallel production lines: Plant configuration and cost effectiveness"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Chemical batch plant, Plant design, Parallel production lines

JANSSENS, Jochen, Annelies DE CORTE & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "Water distribution network design optimisation with respect to reliability"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Network design, Network security, Metaheuristics, Adaptive large neighbourhood search (ALNS)

JANSSENS, Jochen, Kenneth SÖRENSEN & Gerrit K. JANSSENS: "A parameter tuning method to analyse the influence of algorithmic parameters in combination with instance characteristics on the quality of a Pareto front"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Multi-criteria decision making, Promethee method, GDSS

JAMES, Jonathan & Sunčica VUJIC: "From high school to the high chair: Education and fertility timing"
JEL Classifications: I26, J13
Keywords: Education, Fertility timing

TOBBACK, Ellen, Julie MOEYERSOMS, Marija STANKOVA & David MARTENS: "Bankruptcy prediction for SMEs using relational data"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

CUERVO, Daniel Palhazi, Peter GOOS & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "An algorithmic framework for generating optimal two-stratum experimental designs"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Blocked experiments, Split-plot experiments, Two-stratum experiments, D-optimality criterion, Ds-optimality criterion, I-optimality criterion, Id-optimality criterion, Coordinate-exchange algorithm, Variable neighborhood search

SCHOEN, Eric D., Nha VO-THANH & Peter GOOS: "Orthogonal blocking arrangements for 24-run and 28-run two-level designs"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Confounding frequency vector, G-aberration, G2-aberration, Generalized word-length, Pattern, Orthogonal array, Orthogonal blocking

GIULIANO, Genevieve, Geraldine KNATZ, Nathan HUDSON, Christa SYS, Thierry VANELSLANDER & Valentin CARLAN: "Decison-making for maritime innovation investments: The significance of cost benefit and cost effectiveness analysis"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

Working Papers 2015

SELLAMI, Sana, Dieter VERHAEST, Walter NONNEMAN & Walter VAN TRIER: "The impact of educational mismatches on wages: The influence of measurement error and unobserved heterogeneity"
JEL Classifications: I24, J24, J31
Keywords: Returns to education, Field of study mismatch, Overeducation, Underemployment, Earnings inequality, Ability bias

DE CORTE, Annelies & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "A lean optimization algorithm for water distribution network design optimization"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Water distribution network design, Iterated local search, Metaheuristic, Mixed-integer non-linear programming, Pipe sizing

EENDEBAK, Pieter T. & Eric D. SCHOEN: "Two-level designs to estimate all main effects and two-factor interactions"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Coordinate exchange, D-efficiency, Optimal design, Orthogonal array, Partial enumeration

DE CNUDDE, Sofie, Julie MOEYERSOMS, Marija STANKOVA, Ellen TOBBACK, Vinayak JAVALY & David MARTENS: "Who cares about your Facebook friends? Credit scoring for microfinance"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Networks, Data mining, Default prediction, Microcredit

ERREYGERS, Guido & Roselinde KESSELS: "Socioeconomic status and health: A new approach to the measurement of bivariate inequality"
JEL Classifications: D63, I00
Keywords: Inequality measurement, Socioeconomic inequality of health, Bivariate inequality

SCHOEN, Eric D., Nha VO-THANH & Peter GOOS: "Two-level orthogonal designs in 24 and 28 runs"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: G-Aberration, G2-Aberration, Hadamard matrix, Orthogonal array, Plackett-Burman design

LUYTEN, Jeroen, Pieter DESMET, Roselinde KESSELS, Peter GOOS & Philippe BEUTELS: "The future’s so bright, I gotta wear sunscreen: Dispositional optimism and preferences for prioritizing health care"
JEL Classifications: C25, C99, I18, I19, H4
Keywords: Equity, Prevention, Allocation, Personality, Discrete choice experiment

SELLAMI, Sana, Dieter VERHAEST, Walter NONNEMAN & Walter VAN TRIER: "Education as investment, consumption or adapting to social norm: Implications for educational mismatch among graduates"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Educational motives, Higher education, Graduates, Wages, Job satisfaction, Underemployment, Over-qualification

BALLIAUW, Matteo: "An analysis of entry and exit decisions in shipping markets under uncertainty"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Cyclical markets, Real options, Shipping markets, Container, Entry and exit decisions

DE BORGER, Bruno & Antonio RUSSO: "Lobbying and the political economy of pricing car access to downtown commercial districts"
JEL Classifications: D72, H23, D43, R41
Keywords: Parking, Road pricing, Lobbying, Retailers, Superstores

DE BORGER, Bruno & Amihai GLAZER: "Inducing political action by workers"
JEL Classifications: D21, J31, J51, L51
Keywords: Political actions, Union behavior, Wage and employment policies

DE BORGER, Bruno & Stef PROOST: "The political economy of public transport pricing and supply decisions"
JEL Classifications: H23, D62, R41, R48
Keywords: Public transport pricing, Tax competition, Federalism

DE BORGER, Bruno & Stef PROOST: "Tax and regulatory policies for European transport - getting there, but in the slow lane"
JEL Classifications: R41, R48, Q58
Keywords: Transport taxes, Fuel taxes, Road pricing, Distance charging, Transport policy in the EU, External costs

GERARD, Ghillain, Els STRUYF, Christa SYS, Eddy VAN DE VOORDE & Thierry VANELSLANDER: "Congestiekost voor wegvervoer: Ontwikkeling generiek model en toepassing voor Vlaanderen"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Congestie, Wegvervoer, Transportkosten, Maatschappelijke kosten

SPRINGAEL, Johan & Trijntje CORNELISSENS: "On the counterintuitive behaviour of the economic order quantity in the presence of backorders"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DEFRYN, Christof, Kenneth SÖRENSEN & Trijntje CORNELISSENS: "The selective vehicle routing problem in a collaborative environment"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Horizontal collaboration, Selective vehicle routing problem, Collaborative vehicle routing, Cost allocation

VAN HASSEL, Edwin: "(Over)capaciteitsontwikkeling in de binnenvaarttankermarkt en mogelijke toekomstscenario's"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

CUERVO, Daniel Palhazi, Roselinde KESSELS, Peter GOOS & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "An integrated algorithm for the optimal design of stated choice experiments with partial profiles"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Stated choice experiments, Multinomial logit model, Partial profiles, (Bayesian) D-optimality, Utility-neutral designs, Coordinate-exchange algorithm

SYAFITRI, Utami, Bagus SARTONO & Peter GOOS: "D- and I-optimal design of mixture experiments in the presence of ingredient availability constraints"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Mixture experiment, Nonlinear multidimensional knapsack problem, D-optimality, I-optimality, Update formulas, Variable neighborhood descent algorithm, V-optimality

DEFRYN, Christof & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "A two-level variable neighbourhood search for the Euclidean clustered vehicle routing problem"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Clustered Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP), Variable neighbourhood search, Metaheuristics

STANKOVA, Marija, David MARTENS & Foster PROVOST: "Classification over bipartite graphs through projection"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Bipartite graphs, Two-mode networks, Affiliation networks, Node classification, Big data

Working Papers 2014

HILL, Alessandro, Trijntje CORNELISSENS & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "Efficient multi-product multi-BOM batch scheduling for a petrochemical blending plant with a shared pipeline network"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Batch scheduling, Chemical blending plant, Heuristic

BOUCKAERT, Jan & Geert VAN MOER: "Horizontal subcontracting and intermittent power generation"
JEL Classifications: D43, L13, L14
Keywords: Subcontracting, Intermittency, Security of supply, Dispatchable units

CASTRO, Marco, Kenneth SÖRENSEN, Peter GOOS & Pieter VANSTEENWEGEN: "The multiple travelling salesperson problem with hotel selection"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

HLASNY, Vladimir: "Four pillars of job applicant screening in China"
JEL Classifications: J7, J24, D83
Keywords: Recruitment, Job applicant screening, Profiling, Statistical & taste-based discrimination, Hukou, China, Poisson regression, Simultaneous equations model

JANSSENS, Jochen, Luca TALARICO & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "A metaheuristic approach for security budget allocation in utility networks"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Network security, Metaheuristics, Knapsack problem

ESTRIN, Saul, Ute STEPHAN & Sunčica VUJIĆ: "Do women earn less even as social entrepreneurs?"
JEL Classifications: J28, J31, J71, L32
Keywords: Social entrepreneur, Gender pay gap, Social enterprise, Earnings, Job satisfaction

TALARICO, Luca, Kenneth SÖRENSEN & Johan SPRINGAEL: "A bi-objective model to increase security and reduce travel costs in the cash-in-transit sector"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Metaheuristic, Multi-objective optimization, Combinatorial optimization, Cash-in-transit, Security

REYNAERT, Mathias: "Abatement strategies and the cost of environmental regulation: Emission standards on the European car market"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

TALARICO, Luca, Kenneth SÖRENSEN & Johan SPRINGAEL: "A large neighbourhood metaheuristic for the risk-constrained cash-in-transit vehicle routing problem"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Vehicle routing, Risk, Security, Cash-in-transit, Metaheuristic

JANSSENS, Jochen, Luca TALARICO & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "A hybridised tabu search heuristic to increase security in a utility network"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Network security, Metaheuristics, Knapsack problem

KESSELS, Roselinde, Pieter VAN HERCK, Eline DANCET, Lieven ANNEMANS & Walter SERMEUS: "How to reform western care payment systems according to physicians, policy makers, healthcare executives and researchers: A discrete choice experiment"
JEL CLassifications: C90, C99, E61, I11, I18, O57
Keywords: Healthcare payment systems, Healthcare performance objectives, Physician incentive structures, Health policy reform, Discrete choice experiment

VERMEULEN, Glen & Peter KORT: "Real options and bank bailouts: How uncertainty affects optimal bank bailout policy"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

HILL, Alessandro & Stefan VOß: "Generalized local branching heuristics and the capacitated ring tree problem"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Capacitated ring tree problem, Local branching, Mathematical programming, Local search, Network design, Matheuristic

HERREMANS, Dorien, Stéphanie WEISSER, Kenneth SÖRENSEN & Darrell CONKLIN: "Generating structured music using quality metrics based on Markov models"
JEL Classifications: C60, C61, C63, C65, C8
Keywords: Markov models, Markov processes, Metaheuristics, Music, Bagana, Computer Aided Composition (CAC), Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS), Combinatorial optimization 

DE CORTE, Annelies & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "An iterated local search algorithm for water distribution network design optimisation"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Water distribution network design, Iterated local search, Mixed-integer non-linear optimisation, Pipe sizing

VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy & Patrick VERHOEVEN: "The economics of port authority reform. A framework for ex-post evaluation"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Port reform, Port authorities, Port governance, Port competitiveness, Welfare economics, Generalised cost

JUNQUÉ DE FORTUNY, Enric & David MARTENS: "Active learning-based pedagogical rule extraction"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Rule extraction, Active learning, Comprehensibility, Pedagogical

HILL, Alessandro & Stefan VOß: "An equi-model matheuristic for the multi-depot ring star problem"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Multi-depot ring star problem, Hybrid heuristic, Branch & cut, Local refinement, Network design, Matheuristic

YAN, Beibei & Walter AERTS: "Rhetorical impression management in corporate narratives and institutional environment"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Letter to shareholder, Linguistic property, Rhetorical style, Institutional scrutiny, Credibility, Litigation risk

KESSELS, Roselinde & Guido ERREYGERS: "A unified structural equation modeling approach for the decomposition of rank-dependent indicators of socioeconomic inequality of health"
JEL Classifications: C36, D63, I00
Keywords: Inequality measurement, Concentration index, Decomposition methods, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)

HILL, Alessandro & Stefan VOß: "Optimal capacitated ring trees"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Capacitated ring tree problem, Steiner tree, Ring tree, Vehicle routing, Survivable network design, Integer programming

HILL, Alessandro: "Multi-exchange neighborhoods for the capacitated ring tree problem"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Capacitated ring tree problem, Network design, Local search

SAHOO, Pravakar & Ranjan KUMAR DASH: "India's surge in Modern Services Exports: Empirics for policy"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: India, Modern Services Exports, Human capital, Finance, infrastructure

MEERSMAN, Hilde & Eddy VAN DE VOORDE: "Port capacity extension. A trade-off between public investment and shipping companies' time losses"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

LIN, Ko Min, Joseph PLASMANS & Song-ken HSU: "A consistent measure of aggregate import substitution"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

EENDEBAK, Pieter T., "A canonical form for non-regular arrays based on generalized wordlength pattern values of delete-one-factor projections"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Experimental design, Orthogonal array, Delete-one-factor, Canonical form, Generalized wordlength pattern

MEERSMAN, Hilde, Siri Pettersen STRANDENES & Eddy VAN DE VOORDE: "Port pricing: Principles, structure and models"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Infrastructure pricing, Pricing models, Seaports

TALARICO, Luca, Frank MEISEL & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "Ambulance routing for disaster response with patient groups"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Ambulance routing, Disaster response, Service time, Local search, Large neighborhood search, Metaheuristic

DEFRYN, Christof, Christine VANOVERMEIRE, Kenneth SÖRENSEN, Alex VAN BREEDAM, Bart VANNIEUWENHUYSE & Sven VERSTREPEN: "Gain sharing in horizontal logistic collaboration. A case study in the fresh fruit and vegetables sector"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

HERREMANS, Dorien, David MARTENS & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "Dance hit song prediction"
JEL Classifications: C6, C8
Keywords: Data mining, Classification, Prediction, Music Information Retrieval (MIR)

JANSSENS, Jochen, Joos VAN DEN BERGH, Kenneth SÖRENSEN & Dirk CATTRYSSE: "Multi-objective microzone-based vehicle routing for courier companies: From tactical to operational planning"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Variable neighborhood tabu search, Workload balancing, Metaheuristics, Multi-objective optimization, Vehicle routing, Courier companies

HERREMANS, Dorien, David MARTENS & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "Looking into the minds of Bach, Haydn and Beethoven: Classification and generation of composer-specific music"
JEL Classifications: C6, C8
Keywords: Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS), Metaheuristics, Classification, Computer Aided Composition, Music Information Retrieval (MIR)

Working Papers 2013

GOOS, Peter, Bradley JONES & Utami SYAFITRI: "I-optimal mixture designs"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: D-optimality, IV-optimality, Moments matrix, Q-optimality, Simplex-lattice designs, Simplex-centroid designs, V-optimality

LUYTEN, Jeroen, Roselinde KESSELS, Peter GOOS & Philippe BEUTELS: "Public preferences for prioritizing preventive and curative health care interventions: A discrete choice experiment"
JEL Classifications: C25, D61, D63, H42, H51, I10
Keywords: Efficiency, Equity, Distribution, QALY, Treatment, Prevention

VANOVERMEIRE, Christine, Daniel Palhazi CUERVO & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "Estimating collaborative profits under varying partner characteristics and strategies"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Horizontal collaboration, Cost allocation, Profit estimation, Vehicle routing

PARYS, Wilfried: "All but one: How pioneers of linear economics overlooked Perron-Frobenius mathematics"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Perron-Frobenius, Charasoff, Potron, Bray, Remak, Leontief, Sraffa, Nonnegative matrices, Input-output analysis

TALARICO, Luca, Kenneth SÖRENSEN & Johan SPRINGAEL: "The k-dissimilar vehicle routing problem"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), Metaheuristic, Security, Similarity

KUPFER, Franziska, Roselinde KESSELS, Peter GOOS, Eddy VAN DE VOORDE & Ann VERHETSEL: "A discrete choice approach for analysing the airport choice for freighter operations in Europe"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Air cargo, Discrete choice analysis, Airport choice, Multinomial logit

ARNOUTS, Heidi & Peter GOOS: "Staggered-level designs for response surface modeling"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: D- and I-optimality criterion, Cost, Response surface model, Split-plot design, Split-split-plot design, Staggered-level design

MARTENS, David, Enric JUNQUÉ DE FORTUNY & Marija STANKOVA: "Data mining for fraud detection using invoicing data. A case study in fiscal residence fraud"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN HASSEL, Edwin: "Structuurverandering in het segment van de grote drogeladingbinnenvaartschepen"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Binnenvaart, Drogeladingvloot, Samenwerking, Poolvorming, Overcapaciteit

VERHETSEL, Ann, Roselinde KESSELS, Nele BLOMME, Jeroen CANT & Peter GOOS: "Location of logistics companies: A stated preference study to disentangle the impact of accessibility"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Logistics, Accessibility, Transport geography, Discrete choice modeling, Belgium

SENBETA, Sisay Regassa: "Foreign exchange constraints and macroeconomic dynamics in a small open economy"
JEL Classifications: E32, F31, F41, O55
Keywords: New Keynesian DSGE, Foreign exchange constraint, Low income countries, Ethiopia

RASHED, Yasmine, Hilde MEERSMAN, Eddy VAN DE VOORDE & Thierry VANELSLANDER: "A univariate analysis: Short-term forecasts of container throughput in the port of Antwerp"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Container throughput, Univariate analysis, ARIMA, Forecasting, Seasonality

PEETERS, Thomas & Stefan SZYMANSKI: "Financial fair play in European football"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DE BORGER, Bruno & Stef PROOST: "The political economy of pricing and capacity decisions for congestible local public goods in a federal state"
JEL Classifications: D62, H23, R41, R48
Keywords: Congestible local public goods, Pricing, Capacity decisions, Fiscal federalism

VANOVERMEIRE, Christine & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "Integration of the cost allocation in the optimization of collaborative bundling"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VANOVERMEIRE, Christine, Lukas CARLIER & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "Improving horizontal logistic co-operation through different concessions"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VANOVERMEIRE, Christine & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "Measuring and rewarding flexibility in collaborative distribution, including two-partner coalitions"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Logistics, Game theory, Shapley value, Nucleolus, Collaboration

DE LANGHE, Katrien, Els STRUYF, Christa SYS, Eddy VAN DE VOORDE & Thierry VANELSLANDER: "Economic effects of a temporary shutdown of an airport - Review and case study"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Airports, Shutdown, Economic effects, Case study

PIROVANO, Mara: "International financial integration, credit frictions and exchange rate regimes"
JEL Classifications: E44, E52, F41, F42
Keywords: Monetary policy rules, Credit frictions, Open economy, International transmission

PIROVANO, Mara: "Household and firm leverage, capital flows and monetary policy in a small open economy"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Optimal monetary policy, Financial frictions, Liability dollarization, Financial stability

KESSELS, Roselinde, Bradley JONES & Peter GOOS: "An argument for preferring Firth bias-adjusted estimates in aggregate and individual-level discrete choice modeling"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Discrete choice modeling, Firth's bias adjustment, Penalized maximum likelihood, Individual-level estimates, Data separation

TALARICO, Luca, Kenneth SÖRENSEN & Johan SPRINGAEL: "The risk constrained cash-in-transit vehicle routing problem with time windows"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Vehicle routing, Risk, Security, Cash-in-transit, Metaheuristic

LAMBERT, Bruno, Carolyn H. DECLERCK & Christophe BOONE: "Oxytocin does not make a face appear more trustworthy but improves the accuracy of trustworthiness judgments"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Oxytocin, Perceived trustworthiness, Social perception, Face evaluation

CUERVO, Daniel Palhazi, Peter GOOS, Kenneth SÖRENSEN & Emely ARRAIZ: "An iterated local search algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with backhauls"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VANOVERMEIRE, Christine, Dries VERCRUYSSE & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "Analysis of different cost allocation methods in a collaborative transport setting"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

2013/008 (ACED 16)
VAN DEN BERG, Annette, Yolanda GRIFT, Arjen VAN WITTELOOSTUIJN, Christophe BOONE & Olivier VAN DER BREMPT: "The effect of employee workplace representation on firm performance. A cross-country comparison within Europe"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

ERREYGERS, Guido & Roselinde KESSELS: "Regression-based decompositions of rank-dependent indicators of socioeconomic inequality of health"
JEL Classifications: D63, I00
Keywords: Inequality measurement, Concentration index, Decomposition methods

CUERVO, Daniel Palhazi, Peter GOOS & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "An iterated local search algorithm for the construction of large scale D-optimal experimental designs"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Optimal design of experiments, D-optimality criterion, Metaheuristic, Iterated local search, Coordinate-exchange algorithm

TALARICO, Luca, Kenneth SÖRENSEN & Johan SPRINGAEL: "Metaheuristics for the risk-constrained cash-in-transit vehicle routing problem"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Metaheuristics, Vehicle routing, Risk constraint, Security, Cash-in-transit, Combinatorial optimization

VAN CAMP, Jelle & Johan BRAET: "Proposing a taxonomy for performance measurement systems' failures"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Performance measurement, PMS, Nomenclature, Failures, Taxonomy

HERREMANS, Dorien & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "FuX, an android app that generates counterpoint"
JEL Classifications: C6, C8, C61
Keywords: Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS), Metaheuristics, Local search, Music, Computer Aided Composition (CAC), Android

SENBETA, Sisay Regassa: "Informality and macroeconomic fluctuations: A small open economy New Keynesian DSGE model with dual labour markets"
JEL Classifications: E24, E26, E32, E41, O55
Keywords: Dual labor markets, Informal sector, Open economy, New Keynesian DSGE, Low-income countries, Sub-Saharan Africa

VALKIERS, Vincent & Hans VERBOVEN: "Het verband tussen CEO-remuneratie en bedrijfsperformance bij BEL20-genoteerde ondernemingen"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: CEO-remuneratie, Verloningsbeleid, Transparantie, Return On Asset (ROA), Corporate governance

Working Papers 2012

VANNESTE, Jacques & Ying ZHANG: "The impact of government expenditure on prepayment for health services: Evidence from cointegration analysis in heterogeneous panel data"
JEL Classifications: H51, I13, I18
Keywords: Health financing system, Government expenditure, Public financing, Private prepaid plans, Panel cointegration analysis, OECD members

PEETERS, Thomas & Stefan SZYMANSKI: "Vertical restraints in soccer: Financial fair play and the English Premier League"
JEL Classifications: L42, L51, L83
Keywords: Vertical restraints, Soccer, Financial Fair Play

DE CEUSTER, Marc J. K., Jie LI & Hairui ZHANG: "Did federal funds target rate changes affect the market value of insurance compagnies?"
JEL Classifications: E42, E43, E52, G22
Keywords: Interest rate shocks, Insurance companies, Federal funds target rate changes

SARTONO, Bagus, Peter GOOS & Eric D. SCHOEN: "Orthogonal blocking of regular and nonregular strength-3 designs"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Aliasing, Confounding, Mixed integer linear programming, Mixed-level orthogonal array, Multi-level orthogonal array, Orthogonal blocking, Pure-level orthogonal array, Two-level orthogonal array

SCHOEN, Eric D., Bagus SARTONO & Peter GOOS: "Optimal blocking for general resolution-3 designs"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Aliasing, Confounding, Generalized word-length pattern, Orthogonal array, Strength 2

CASTRO, Marco, Kenneth SÖRENSEN, Pieter VANSTEENWEGEN & Peter GOOS: "A simple GRASP+VND for the travelling salesperson problem with hotel selection"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

HERMANS, Julie, Johanna VANDERSTRAETEN, Marcus DEJARDIN, Dendi RAMDANI, Erik STAM & Arjen VAN WITTELOOSTUIJN: "Ambitious entrepreneurship: Antecedents and consequences"
JEL Classifications: D84, L25, L26, M13
Keywords: Ambition, Motivations, Growth, Entrepreneurship

2012/022 (ACED 15)
DIVARCI, Anil, Christophe BOONE & Arjen VAN WITTELOOSTUIJN: "When does globalization lead to local adaptation? The emergence of hybrid Islamic schools in Turkey, 1985-2007"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

2012/021 (ACED 14)
Niet beschikbaar/Not available 

HERREMANS, Dorien & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "Composing fifth species counterpoint music with variable neighborhood search"
JEL Classifications: C6, C8, C61
Keywords: Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS), Metaheuristics, Local search, Music, Computer Aided Composition (CAC)

TOBBACK, Ellen, David MARTENS, Tony VAN GESTEL & Bart BAESENS: "Forecasting loss given default models: Impact of account characteristics and the macroeconomic state"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Loss Given Default, Data mining, Prediction, Basel III

ANNAERT, Jan, Marc DE CEUSTER & Kurt VERSTEGEN: "Are extreme returns priced in the stock market? European evidence"
JEL Classifications: G12, G15, G17
Keywords: Extreme returns, Cross-section of expected returns, Lottery-like payoffs, Skewness, Idiosyncratic volatility puzzle

JUNQUÉ DE FORTUNY, Enric, Tom DE SMEDT, David MARTENS & Walter DAELEMANS: "Design and evaluation of empirical models for stock price prediction"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Stock prediction, Support Vector Machine, Text mining, Opinion mining

DE CORTE, Annelies & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "Optimisation of water distribution network design: A critical review"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

MATHESON, Victor, Thomas PEETERS & Stefan SZYMANSKI: "If you host it, where will they come from? Mega-events and tourism in South Africa"
JEL Classifications: F14, J61, L83
Keywords: World Cup, Sports, Tourism, South Africa

DE BORGER, Bruno & Stef PROOST: "Transport policy competition between governments: A selective survey of the literature"
JEL Classifications: H21, H71, R48
Keywords: -

DE BORGER, Bruno & Stef PROOST: "Policies to reduce traffic externalities in cities"
JEL Classifications: H77, Q58, R48
Keywords: Externalities, Urban policy, Urban transport investment, Environment

VANDERSTRAETEN, Johanna, Paul MATTYSSENS & Arjen VAN WITTELOOSTUIJN: "Measuring the performance of business incubators"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Business incubator, Performance measurement system, Performance measure, Balanced scorecard, Strategy map

REYNAERT, Mathias & Frank VERBOVEN: "Improving the performance of random coefficients demand models: The role of optimal instruments"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

SENBETA, Sisay Regassa: "How important are external shocks in explaining growth in Sub-Saharan Africa? Evidence from a Bayesian VAR"
JEL Classifications: C11, E32, F40, O11, O55
Keywords: Bayesian VAR, Economic fl‡uctuations, External shocks, Low-income countries, Sub-Saharan Africa

DUQUE, Pablo A. Maya, Sofie COENE, Peter GOOS, Kenneth SÖRENSEN & Frits SPIEKSMA: "The accessibility arc upgrading problem"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Network upgrading problem, Knapsack problem, Variable neighbourhood search

NONNEMAN, Walter: "School achievement and failure of immigrant children in Flanders"
JEL Classifications: I21, I28
Keywords: School performance, Immigrant children, Flanders

VANOVERMEIRE, Christine, Kenneth SÖRENSEN, Alex VAN BREEDAM, Bart VANNIEUWENHUYSE & Sven VERSTREPEN: "Efficient supply chains through flexible horizontal collaboration"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

BOUCKAERT, Jan, Hans DEGRYSE & Theon VAN DIJK: "Bertrand competition with an asymmetric no-discrimination constraint"
JEL Classifications: D11
Keywords: -

SCHOEN, Eric D. & Robert W. MEE: "Two-level designs of strength 3 and up to 48 runs"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Orthogonal array, Resolution IV, Nonregular designs

KESSELS, Roselinde, Bradley JONES & Peter GOOS: "A comparison of partial profile designs for discrete choice experiments with an application in software development"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Discrete choice experiments, Bayesian D-optimal design, Partial profiles, Lexicographic choice behavior, Balanced incomplete block design, Coordinate-exchange algorithm

JUNQUÉ DE FORTUNY, Enric, Tom DE SMEDT, David MARTENS & Walter DAELEMANS: "Media coverage in times of political crisis: a text mining approach"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

JONES, Bradley & Peter GOOS: "I-optimal versus D-optimal split-plot response surface designs"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Coordinate-exchange algorithm, D-optimality, Hard-to-change factors, I-optimality, IV-optimality, Multi-stratum design, Split-plot design, V-optimality

SÖRENSEN, Kenneth, Christine VANOVERMEIRE & Sylvie BYSSCHAERT: "Efficient metaheuristics to solve the intermodal terminal location problem"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Intermodal transportation, Terminal location, Metaheuristics

Working Papers 2011

STANOVA, Nadja: "Output and price behaviour in a system dynamics model"
JEL Classifications: E31, E32
Keywords: System dynamics, Stock variables, Disequilibrium model, Bounded rationality, Backward looking solution

DELOOF, Marc & Veronique VERMOESEN: "The value of bank relationships: Evidence from Belgium at the start of the Great Depression"
JEL Classifications: G21, G24, G30
Keywords: Bank relationships, Interlocking directorships, Busy directors, Firm value, Great Depression, Belgium

BEUSELINCK, Christof, Marc DELOOF & Ann VANSTRAELEN: "Corporate governance and cash policies of multinational corporations"
JEL Classifications: F23, G32, G38
Keywords: Cash holdings, Multinational corporations, Parent-subsidiary relationship, Shareholder protection, Law enforcement, Europe

2011/019 (ACED 13)
VAN DEN BERG, Annette, Arjen VAN WITTELOOSTUIJN, Christophe BOONE & Olivier VAN DER BREMPT: "The impact of representative employee participation on organisational performance"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DECLERCK, Carolyn H., Christophe BOONE & Toko KIYONARI: "No place to hide: When shame causes proselfs to cooperate"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Shame, Cooperation, Moral emotions, Prisoner’s dilemma, Affect as information, Social value orientation

HERREMANS, Dorien & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: "A variable neighbourhood search algorithm to generate first species counterpoint musical scores"
JEL Classifications: C6, C8, C61
Keywords: Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS), Genetic Algorithm (GA), Metaheuristics, Local search, Music, Computer Aided Composition (CAC)

SENBETA, Sisay Regassa: "How applicable are the new Keynesian DSGE models to a typical low-income economy?"
JEL Classifications: E32, F41, O55
Keywords: New Keynesian DSGE, Open economy macroeconomics, Fluctuations, Sub-Saharan Africa

PEETERS, Thomas: "Optimal gate revenue sharing in sports leagues"
JEL Classifications: L41, L83
Keywords: Cartel behavior, Revenue sharing, Sports leagues

PIROVANO, Mara & André VAN POECK: "Eurozone inflation differentials and the ECB"
JEL Classifications: E52, E58
Keywords: European Monetary Union, Inflation differentials, ECB

STANOVA, Nadja: "Discretion versus rule-based fiscal policy in new EU economies"
JEL Classifications: E32, E61, H3, H6
Keywords: Fiscal policy, NMS, VAR model, Fiscal policy aggressiveness

DE BORGER, Bruno & Mogens FOSGERAU: "Information provision by regulated public transport companies"
JEL Classifications: L15, L32, L92, L98
Keywords: Optimal information provision, Price regulation, Scheduled services

MARKIANIDOU, Paresa & Arie WEEREN: "Linear and non linear growth models using mixed modeling: An application on European import volumes"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Mixed modeling, Growth expectations, Policy implications

MYLONA, Kalliopi, Harrison MACHARIA & Peter GOOS: "Three-level equivalent-estimation split-plot designs based on subset and supplementary difference set designs"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Generalized least squares, OLS-GLS equivalence, Ordinary least squares, Response surface design, Split-plot design, Subset design, Supplementary difference set

DECLERCK, Carolyn H., Christophe BOONE & Griet EMONDS: "When do people cooperate? The neuroeconomics of prosocial decision making"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Neuroeconomics, Social dilemmas, Social preferences, Cooperation, Altruistic punishment

H'MADOUN, Maryam: "Afraid of God or afraid of man: How religion shapes attitudes toward free riding and fraud"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Religion, Free riding, Public goods

2011/007 (ACED 12)
PELI, Gábor: "Ethnic party fragmentation versus unity: A niche-based explanation research note"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Ethnic parties, Political niche, Hungarian minorities

2011/006 (ACED 11)
PELI, Gábor & Hans SCHENK: "Organizational decision-maker bias supports market wave formation: Evidence with logical formalization"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Mergers, Perception bias, Adaptation, Logical formalization

2011/005 (ACED 10)
BRUGGEMAN, Jeroen & Gábor PELI: "Cultural niche dimensionality and small firm subsistence"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

SENBETA, Sisay Regassa: "A small open economy new Keynesian DSGE model for a foreign exchange constrained economy"
JEL Classifications: E32, F31, F41, O55
Keywords: New Keynesian DSGE, Foreign exchange constraint, Low income countries, Sub-Saharan Africa

KESENNE, Stefan: "Broadcasting sports, pay-TV or free-TV?"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

2011/002 (ACED 9)
MUEHLFELD, Katrin, Jenny VAN DOORN & Arjen VAN WITTELOOSTUIJN: "The effects of personality composition and decision-making processes on change preferences of self-managing teams"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Change preferences, self-managing teams, Team personality composition, Team decision-making processes, Business simulation

DE KETELAERE, Bart, Peter GOOS & Kristof BRIJS: "Prespecified factor-level combinations in the optimal design of mixture-process variable experiments"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Coordinate-exchange algorithm, D-optimality, Design augmentation, Follow-up design, Mixture-process variable experiment, Point-exchange algorithm

Working Papers 2010

ROCHER, Stijn: "Occupational choice of young graduates: Do job tasks matter?"
JEL Classifications: I21, J24, J31
Keywords: Occupational choice, Task content, Mismatch

SARTONO, Bagus, Peter GOOS & Eric D. SCHOEN: "Classification of strength-three multi-level orthogonal arrays"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Experimental design, Resolution IV, Non-regular design, Regular design

VALDIVIA, Fernando Zarzosa: "Determinants of the structural real exchange rates and economic structures in Argentina, Chile and Mexico"
JEL Classifications: C22, F11, F31, F35, F37, F41, F43
Keywords: Structural real exchange rate, Factor productivity, Endowments, Sectoral income distribution, Dutch disease, Cointegration

PIROVANO, Mara: "Financial integration, monetary policy and stock prices: Empirical evidence for the new EU member states"
JEL Classifications: E440, E520, F360, G100
Keywords: Monetary policy shocks, New EU members, Stock prices, Financial integration

SÖRENSEN, Kenneth, Johan SPRINGAEL & Sylvie BUSSCHAERT: "Sequential versus simultaneous application of multi-objective optimization and multicriteria decision making: An empirical investigation"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

PEETERS, Thomas: "The shape of success: Estimating contest success functions in sports"
JEL Classifications: C35, C72, L83
Keywords: Contests, Contest success functions, Sports

GOOS, Peter & Steven G. GILMOUR: "Analyzing categorical data from split-plot and other multi-stratum experiments"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Binary data, Cumulative logit regression, Generalized linear mixed model, Hasse diagram, Ordered categorical data, Split-plot analysis

BOUCKAERT, Jan, Theon VAN DIJK & Frank VERBOVEN: "Access regulation, competition, and broadband penetration: An international study"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Broadband penetration, Access regulation, OECD-countries

BOUCKAERT, Jan & Bruno DE BORGER: "Price competition between subsidized organizations"
JEL Classifications: D43, H52, I28, L13
Keywords: Subsidy allocation rules, Bertrand competition, Incentives to collude

FEREDE, Tadele: "The interface between policy reforms, household livelihoods and farm-nonfarm linkages: Insights from a village economy in rural Ethiopia"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Ethiopia, Farm, Nonfarm, Linkages, CGE, Village economy, Household livelihoods

DE BORGER, Bruno & Bart WUYTS: "The tax treatment of company cars, commuting and optimal congestion taxes"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DE BORGER, Bruno & Amihai GLAZER: "Subsidizing consumption to signal quality of workers"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

ERREYGERS, Guido, Philip CLARKE & Tom VAN OURTI: "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in this land is fairest of all? Revisiting the extended concentration index"
JEL Classifications: D63, I19, I32
Keywords: Health inequality, Socioeconomic inequality, Extended concentration index, Inequality aversion, Small-sample bias

DE BORGER, Bruno & Stef PROOST: "A political economy model of road pricing"
JEL Classifications: D72, H23, R48
Keywords: Road pricing, Acceptability of tolls, Policy reform, Earmarking of toll revenues, Pigouvian taxes

DE BORGER, Bruno & Bart WUYTS: "The structure of the labour market, telecommuting, and optimal peak period congestion tolls: A numerical optimisation model"
JEL Classifications: D62, H21, R41
Keywords: Congestion taxes, Competitive labour markets, Wage bargaining, Telecommuting

DE BORGER, Bruno & Denis DE BRUYNE: "Port activities, hinterland congestion, and optimal government policies: The role of vertical integration in logistic operations"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

MACHARIA, Harrison & Peter GOOS: "D-optimal and D-efficient equivalent-estimation second-order split-plot designs"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Coordinate-exchange algorithm, D-optimality, Equivalent estimation, Generalized least squares, Ordinary least squares, Split-plot design

LUYCKX, Bieke, Tijs DELBEKE, Luuk VAN WAES, Mariëlle LEIJTEN & Aline REMAEL: "Live subtitling with speech recognition causes and consequences of text reduction"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Real-time subtitling, Live subtitling, Respeaking, Voice-writing, Speech recognition, Keystroke logging, Reduction

LIMBOS, Sophie & Diana PHILLIPS: "The rise and decline of a Belgian banking giant – Communication and business ethics in the Fortis case"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

BOUCKAERT, Jan, Hans DEGRYSE & Thomas PROVOOST: "Enhancing market power by reducing switching costs"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

H'MADOUN, Maryam: "Religion and labor force participation of women"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

2010/006 (ACED 8) 
VAN DEN OORD, Ad, Arjen VAN WITTELOOSTUIJN, Geert DUYSTERS & Victor GILSING: "The ecology of technology: An empirical study of US biotechnology patents from 1976 to 2003"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

PEETERS, Thomas: "TV revenue sharing as a coordination device in sports"
JEL Classifications: L41, L83
Keywords: Cartel behavior, Revenue sharing, Sports leagues, TV rights

MICHIELS, Frederik & Ann DE SCHEPPER: "A new graphical tool for copula selection"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Copulas, Copula selection, Kendall’s tau, Graphical tool, Multidimensional scaling, Dependence models

PARYS, Wilfried: "Annotated Potron Bibliography"
JEL Classifications: B3
Keywords: Potron, Bibliography, Mathematical economics, Linear economic models, Input-output analysis

DE BORGER, Bruno: "Optimal congestion taxes in a time allocation model"
JEL Classifications: D62, H21, R41
Keywords: Optimal taxation, Congestion, Time-commodity substitution, Derived demand

SCHOEN, Eric D., Bradley JONES & Peter GOOS: "Split-plot experiments with factor-dependent whole-plot sizes"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Coordinate-exchange algorithm, D-optimum designs, Point-exchange algorithm, Restricted randomization

Working Papers 2009

PIROVANO, Mara, Jacques VANNESTE & André VAN POECK: "Portfolio and short-term capital inflows to the new and potential EU countries: Patterns, determinants and policy responses"
JEL Classifications: E44, F32, F41, P34
Keywords: Capital inflows, EU enlargement, Policy responses, Portfolio investment, Dynamic panel estimation

2009/017 (ACED 7)
KAUFMANN, Wesley, Arjen VAN WITTELOOSTUIJN & Christophe BOONE: "Colorful economics: Seeing red in a prisoner's dilemma game"
JEL Classifications: C72, C73, C91
Keywords: Color, Cooperation, Prisoners dilemma game

2009/016 (ACED 6)
BOONE, Christophe, Carolyn H. DECLERCK, Hayagreeva RAO & Kristin VAN DEN BUYS: "Dissonance and harmony: A study of the recognition of artists in modernistic music in Brussels; 1919-1939"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

2009/015 (ACED 5)
BOGAERT, Sandy, Christophe BOONE & Arjen VAN WITTELOOSTUIJN: "The impact of work group cooperative climate on affective commitment and turnover intention of professional employees"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Cooperative climate, Climate strength, Commitment, Turnover intention, Social value orientation

2009/014 (ACED 4)
BOGAERT, Sandy, Christophe BOONE & Arjen VAN WITTELOOSTUIJN: "The impact of demographic distance and network ties on individual turnover of professional employees"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Demography, Networks, Embeddedness, Turnover

STANOVA, Nadja: "Are there political fiscal cycles in NMS?"
JEL Classifications: E32, E62, H62
Keywords: Fiscal policy, Opportunistic cycle, Business cycle, Government expenditures, NMS, CEE countries

MICHIELS, Frederik & Ann DE SCHEPPER: "Understanding copula transforms: A review of dependence properties"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

MAYA, Pablo, Kenneth SÖRENSEN & Peter GOOS: "A metaheuristic for a teaching assistant assignment-routing problem"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

SCHITTEKAT, Patrick, Kenneth SÖRENSEN, Marc SEVAUX & Johan SPRINGAEL: "A matheuristic for the school bus routing problem"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

PEETERS, Thomas: "Broadcasting rights and competitive balance in European soccer"
JEL Classifications: L41, L43, L83
Keywords: Competitive balance, Broadcast rights, Antitrust policy, Soccer

ERREYGERS, Guido & Tadele FEREDE: "The end of subsistence farming: Growth dynamics and investments in human and environmental capital in rural Ethiopia"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Ethiopian, Growth, Human capital, Natural capital, Land degradation, Sustainable development

ARNOUTS, Heidi & Peter GOOS: "Design and analysis of industrial strip-plot experiments"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: D-optimal strip-plot design, Experimental cost reduction, Post-fractionated strip-plot design, Robust product design, Row-column design, Split-lot design, Split-plot design, Two-stage processes

QUINLAN, Thomas, Maaike LONCKE, Mariëlle LEIJTEN & Luuk VAN WAES: "Writers’ shift between error correction and sentence composing: Competing processes and the executive function"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Working memory, Central executive, Executive function, Writing processes, Proofreading

WOUTERS, Geert & Ann DE SCHEPPER: "Optimal moment bounds under multiple shape constraints"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Probability bounds, Shape constraints, Convex optimization

2009/004 (ACED 3)
RAMDANI, Dendi & Arjen VAN WITTELOOSTUIJN: "Board independence, CEO duality and firm performance: A quantile regression analysis for Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea and Thailand"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

2009/003 (ACED 2)
BOONE, Christophe, Aleid BROUWER, Jan JACOBS & Arjen VAN WITTELOOSTUIJN: "Religious pluralism and organizational diversity: An empirical test for the city of Zwolle, the Netherlands, 1851-1914"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

2009/002 (ACED 1)
ZHOU, Chaohong & Arjen VAN WITTELOOSTUIJN: "Evolutionary game theory and organizational ecology: The case of resource-partitioning theory"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Evolutionary game theory, Organizational ecology, Resource partitioning, Competitive dynamics

VAN POECK, André: "One money and fifteen needs inflation and output convergence in the European Monetary Union"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

Working Papers 2008

ARNOUTS, Heidi & Peter GOOS: "Update formulas for split-plot and block designs"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: D-, A- and V-optimality, Point-exchange, Coordinate-exchange, Information matrix, Compound symmetry

MICHIELS, Frederik, Inge KOCH & Ann DE SCHEPPER: "Exploring the λ copula construction method for Archimedean copulas: Discussion of three λ types"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Copula, Kendall’s ᴛ, Multiparametric Archimedean copula family, Tail dependence

GOOS, Peter, Bart VERMEULEN & Martina VANDEBROEK: "D-optimal conjoint choice designs with no-choice options for a nested logit model"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Choice-based conjoint, Information loss, Multinomial logit model, Nested logit model, No-choice option

SLUYTS, Kim, Rudy MARTENS & Paul MATTHYSSENS: "Towards a dynamic concept of alliance capability"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

ARNOUTS, Heidi & Peter GOOS: "Staggered designs for experiments with more than one hard-to-change factor"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: A- and D-optimality criterion, Cost, Hard-to-change factors, Split-plot design, Split-split-plot design, Staggered design

KÉSENNE, Stefan: "The optimal size of a sports league"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

EMONDS, Griet, Carolyn H. DECLERCK, Christophe BOONE, Everhard J.M. VANDERVLIET & Paul M. PARIZEL: "Comparing the neural basis of mixed-motive versus coordination games in people with different social preferences, an fMRI study"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DEBLONDE, Marian, Johan EVERS, Michiel VAN OUDHEUSDEN & Lieve GOORDEN: "Co-creating nano-imaginaries"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DECLERCK, Carolyn H., Christophe BOONE & Toko KIYONARI: "Oxytocin and cooperative behavior in social dilemmas: The moderating role of explicit incentives, social cues and individual differences"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DE BORGER, Bruno & Vincenzo VERARDI: "Estimating the direct costs of social conflicts: Road blockings in Bolivia"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Social conflicts, Road blockings, Impulse-response functions

DE BORGER, Bruno, Kristiaan KERSTENS & Matthias STAAT: "Transit costs and cost efficiency: Bootstrapping non-parametric frontiers"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

CALTHROP, Edward, Bruno DE BORGER & Stef PROOST: "Cost-benefit analysis of transport investments in distorted economies"
JEL Classifications: H23, H43, H54, R13, R42
Keywords: Cost-benefit analysis, Transport investments, Marginal cost of funds

AERTS, Walter & Ann TARCA: "The effect of institutional setting on attributional content in management commentary reports"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A), Operating and Financial Review (OFR), Cross-country effects, Enforcement, Analyst forecast dispersion

KÉSENNE, Stefan: "The impact of pooling and sharing broadcast rights in professional team sports"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

SALEHIPOUR,Amir, Kenneth SÖRENSEN, Peter GOOS & Olli BRÄYSY: "An efficient GRASP+VND metaheuristic for the traveling repairman problem"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Traveling repairman problem, Minimum latency problem, Variable neighborhood descent, GRASP

FEREDE AGAJE, Tadele: "Growth linkages and policy effects in a village economy in Ethiopia: An analysis of interactions using a social accounting matrix (SAM) framework"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Village economy, Ethiopia, Growth linkages, Human capital, Multipliers, Social accounting matrix, Environmental capital

KIYGI CALLI, Meltem & Marcel WEVERBERGH: "Forecasting newspaper demand with censored regression"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Censored regression, Decision analysis, Forecasting, Distribution

KIYGI CALLI, Meltem, Marcel WEVERBERGH & Philip Hans FRANSES: "Modeling the effectiveness of hourly direct-response radio commercials"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Advertising effectiveness, Two-level model, Advertising response, Long-run elasticity, Short-run effects

CUYVERS, Ludo, Reth SOENG, Joseph PLASMANS & Daniël VAN DEN BULCKE: "Productivity spillovers from foreign direct investment in the Cambodian manufacturing sector: Evidence from establishment-level data"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

CUYVERS, Ludo, Joseph PLASMANS, Reth SOENG & Daniël VAN DEN BULCKE: "Determinants of foreign direct investment in Cambodia: Country-specific factor differentials"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN BINH, Tu & Michel DUMONT: "A fishing expedition in the Mekong Delta: Market volatility and price substitutes for Vietnamese fresh water fish"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DE BORGER, Bruno, Fay DUNKERLEY & Stef PROOST: "Capacity cost structure, welfare and cost recovery: Are transport infrastructures with high fixed costs a handicap?"
JEL Classifications: R41, R48
Keywords: Capacity cost structure, Cost recovery, Transport investment

Working Papers 2007

KÉSENNE, Stefan: "Comparing management performances of Belgian football clubs"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

MICHIEL, Frederik & Ann DE SCHEPPER: "A copula test space model: How to avoid the wrong copula choice"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Copula, Kendall’s ᴛ, Goodness-of-fit

DHAENE, Geert & Jan BOUCKAERT: "Sequential reciprocity in two-player, two-stage games: An experimental analysis"
JEL Classifications: A13, C70, C92, D63
Keywords: Sequential reciprocity, Sequential prisoner’s dilemma, Mini-ultimatum game

BOUCKAERT, Jan & Hans DEGRYSE: "Opt in versus opt out: A free-entry analysis of privacy policies"
JEL Classifications: D11
Keywords: Privacy, Price discrimination, Monopolistic competition, Welfare

DELOOF, Marc & Wouter VAN OVERFELT: "Were modern capital structure theories valid before World War I?"
JEL Classifications: G21, G32
Keywords: Capital structure, Corporate income tax, Investor protection, Bank relationships, Universal banks

ROMMENS, An, Ludo CUYVERS & Marc DELOOF: "Interlocking directorates and business groups: Belgian evidence"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Interlocking directorates, Business groups, Holding companies, Company performance

RENIERS, Genserik, V. POOT-BAUDIER & S. THOMAS: "EHS management, sustainability reporting, marketing and corporate governance: Inspiring the metals recycling industry"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

SCHOEN, Eric D. & Man V. M. NGUYEN: "Enumeration and classification of orthogonal arrays"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Experimental design, Non-isomorphic designs, Estimation capacity, Minimum forbidden subconfiguration, Mixed array

DE BORGER, Bruno & Bart WUYTS: "Commuting, transport tax reform and the labour market: Employer-paid parking and the relative efficiency of revenue recycling instruments"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DE BORGER, Bruno, Stef PROOST & Kurt VAN DENDER: "Private port pricing and public investment in port and hinterland capacity"
JEL Classifications: H71, L92, R4
Keywords: Port pricing, Congestion, Investment, Cost benefit rules

LECLUYSE, C., Tom VAN WOENSEL & Herbert PEREMANS: "Vehicle routing with stochastic time-dependent travel times"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Vehicle routing, Stochastic time-dependent travel times, Travel time reliability

JONES, Bradley & Peter GOOS: "D-optimal design of split-split-plot experiments"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: D-optimality, Exchange algorithm, Hard-to-change factors, Multi-stratum design, Split-plot design, Tailor-made design

VAN POECK, André & Maret VEINER: "Wage flexibility in the new European Union members: How different from the old?"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN AARLE, Bas, Harry GARRETSEN & Cindy MOONS: "Accession to the Euro-area: A stylized analysis using a NK model"
JEL Classifications: F31, F41, G15
Keywords: Euro-area, Fiscal policy, Monetary policy

MOONS, Cindy, Harry GARRETSEN, Bas VAN AARLE & Jorge FORNERO: "Monetary policy in the new-Keynesian model: An application to the Euro-Area"
JEL Classifications: F31, F41, G15
Keywords: Fiscal policy, Monetary policy

PLASMANS, Joseph, Jorge FORNERO & Tomasz MICHALAK: "A microfounded sectoral model for open economies"
JEL Classifications: D21, E31, F41, P24
Keywords: New Keynesian open economy model, Tradable and non-tradable sectors, Final and intermediate goods, Log-linearization

DE RIDDER, Annemieke & Diana DE GRAEVE: "Comparing the cost-effectiveness of Haloperidol, Risperidone and Olanzapine in the treatment of schizophrenia using the net-benefit regression approach"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

SCHOEN, Eric D.: "Classification of all orthogonal arrays with run-size 18"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

ANNAERT, Jan, Crispiniano Garcia Joao BATISTA, Jeroen LAMOOT & Gleb LANINE: "Don’t fall from the saddle: The importance of higher moments of credit loss distributions"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: CreditRisk+, Saddlepoint approximations, Lugannani-Rice formula, Barndorff-Nielsen formula, Credit VaR

LEIJTEN, Mariëlle, Isabelle DE RIDDER, Sarah RANSDELL & Luuk VAN WAES: "The effect of errors in the text produced so far. Strategy decisions based on error span, input mode, and lexicality"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Cognitive effort, Dictation, Dual task technique, Error analysis, Speech recognition, Text Produced So Far (TPSF), Text production, Technology of writing, Working memory

DE CLEYN, Sven & Johan BRAET: "Research valorisation through spin-off ventures: Integration of existing concepts and typologies"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Spin-off, Spin-out, Taxonomy, Integrated typology, Entrepreneurship, Technology transfer

BIDARD, Christian, Guido ERREYGERS & Wilfried PARYS: "“Our daily bread”: Maurice Potron, from Catholicism to mathematical economics"
JEL Classifications: B3
Keywords: Potron, Just prices, Just wages, Catholic doctrine, Perron-Frobenius, Hawkins-Simon, Duality, Linear model of production, Social question

WAAS, Tom, Aviel VERBRUGGEN & Lieve GOORDEN: "De verduurzaming van het universitair onderzoek: Een impressie van kenmerken voor onderzoeksprojecten"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

KIEDERICH, Andreas: "Investigating New Technology Based Firm (NTBF) internationalization: The impact on performance, the process and the antecedents"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: New Technology Based Firm (NTBF), Internationalization, Founders, Financing

VAN TENDELOO, Brenda: "Audit quality and tax-induced earnings management in UK private firms"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

BOONE, Christophe, Filippo Carlo WEZEL & Arjen VAN WITTELOOSTUIJN: "An ecological theory of population-level organizational diversity"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

KÉSENNE, Stefan: "Does a win bonus help to increase profit or wins in professional team sports?"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN OVERFELT, Wouter, Jan ANNAERT, Marc DE CEUSTER & Marc DELOOF: "Do universal banks create value? Universal bank affiliation and company performance in Belgium, 1905-1909"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

Working Papers 2006

CAEYERS, Bet & Wilfried PAUWELS: "Corporatism and macroeconomic stabilization policies"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DE BORGER, Bruno & Mogens FOSGERAU: "Discrete choices and the trade off between money and time: Another test of the theory of reference-dependent preferences"
JEL Classifications: C25, D01
Keywords: Reference-dependence, Loss aversion, WTP-WTA gap, Value of time

ZARZOSA VALDIVIA, Fernando Enrique: "Income distribution, Dutch disease and real exchange rate movements"
JEL Classifications: C22, F11, F31, F35, F37, F41, F43
Keywords: Structural and PPP real exchange rate, Total and biased factor productivity, Factor endowments, Income distribution, Dutch disease, De-industrialization

AERTS, Walter & Tom VAN CANEGHEM: "Intra-industry benchmarking of SG&A expenses: A neo-institutional perspective"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: SG&A reporting, Overhead costs, Neo-institutional theory, Cost allocation, Imitation behavior

DE CLEYN, Sven & Johan BRAET: "The evolution and performance of spin-off ventures: Integration and elaboration of existing models"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Innovation management, Spin-off ventures, Integrated model, Evolution model, Performance model

KOCH, Inge & Ann DE SCHEPPER: "The comonotonicity coefficient: A new measure of positive dependence in a multivariate setting"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Measure of association, Copula, Dependence, Comonotonicity

ERREYGERS, Guido: “Beyond the Health Concentration Index: An Atkinson alternative for the measurement of the socioeconomic inequality of health"
JEL Classifications: D63, I10
Keywords: Health inequality, Socioeconomic inequality, Concentration Index, Atkinson Index

GOOSSENS, Kelly: “National dominance in European football leagues”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

ERREYGERS, Guido: “Correcting the Concentration Index”
JEL Classifications: D63, I10
Keywords: Health inequality, Socioeconomic inequality, Concentration Index

GARROI, Jean-Jacques, Peter GOOS & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: “A variable-neighbourhood search algorithm for finding optimal run orders in the presence of serial correlation and time trends"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: AR(1), Autocorrelation, Central composite design, D-optimality criterion, Local search

DUMONT, Michel: “The social consequences of economic globalization”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DUMONT, Michel: “Technological performance of Belgium: Is it really so bad?”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: EU-US technology gap, R&D investment, Productivity, High-tech exports

CUYVERS, Ludo, Michel DUMONT, W. VIVERS, Patrick DE PELSMACKER, M.-L. MULLER, Marc JEGERS & A. SAAYMAN: “Export intensity and the competitive intelligence of exporting companies: Evidence from Belgium and South Africa"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

JORISSEN, Ann, Anne-Mie REHEUL, Eddy LAVEREN & Rudy MARTENS: “Short-term planning Sophistication in SMEs: The relationship with strategy and perceived environmental uncertainty"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Planning sophistication, Strategy, Environmental uncertainty, Contingency

DE BORGER, Bruno, Fay DUNKERLEY & Stef PROOST: “Strategic investment and pricing decisions in a congested transport corridor"
JEL Classifications: H23, H71, R41, R48
Keywords: Congestion pricing, Transport investment, Transit traffic

DE SCHEPPER, Ann & Bart HEIJNEN: “Risk management under incomplete information: Exact upper and lower bounds for the Value at Risk"
JEL Classifications: G14, G22, C13, E40, C65
Keywords: Risk management, Incomplete information, Value at Risk

DE SCHEPPER, Ann & Bart HEIJNEN: “Risk management under incomplete information: Exact upper and lower bounds for the probability to reach extreme values"
JEL Classifications: G14, G22, C13, E40, C65
Keywords: Risk management, Incomplete information, Tail probability, Extreme values

DEBLONDE, Marian: “An ethical toolkit for food companies: Reflections on its use”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Food sector, Moral communication, Ethical toolkit, CSR (Developed form), Empowerment, Equal dialogue

CALTHROP, Edward, Bruno DE BORGER & Stef PROOST: “Externalities and partial tax reform: Does it make sense to tax road freight (but not passenger) transport?"
JEL Classifications:  H21, H23, R41, R48
Keywords:  Tax reform, Congestion, Transport pricing

DE CLEYN, Sven & Johan BRAET: “The due diligence process – Guiding principles for early stage innovative products"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Due diligence, Innovation, Early stage, New technology-based firm

BEUSELINCK, Christof & Marc DELOOF: “Bussiness groups, taxes and accruals management”
JEL Classifications:  G32, H21, M41
Keywords:  Business groups, Effective tax rate, Marginal tax rate, Accruals – Cash Flow Association

DE BORGER, Bruno: “Commuting, congestion tolls and noncompetitive labour markets: Optimal congestion pricing in a wage bargaining model"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

RENIERS, Genserik L.L., Wout DULLAERT, B.J.M. ALE, F. VERSCHUEREN & Karel SOUDAN: “Evaluating safety critical staffing arrangements in the CPI”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

MAHIEU, Joris, Annemieke DE RIDDER, Diana DE GRAEVE, Chris VRINTS & Johan BOSMANS: “Economic analysis of the use of drug-eluting stents in the perspective of the Belgian health care sector”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Drug-eluting, Stents, Economic analysis, Belgium, Restenosis

SPRINGAEL, Johan & Inneke VAN NIEUWENHUYSE: “On the sum of independent zero-truncated Poisson random variables"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Poisson distribution, Zero-truncated, Probability function

AERTS, Walter, Denis CORMIER & Michel MAGNAN: “The intertwining of financial analyst behaviour and web-based performance transparency"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DE CLEYN, Sven & Johan BRAET: “IP protection in Belgian universities - Best practices and analysis in the European academic and business context"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Intellectual property, University, Technology transfer office

BORGHERS, Eddy: “French regional wheat prices: 1756-1872. Correlation length"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Multivariate statistics, Correlation length, Wheat prices, France

Niet beschikbaar/Not available

JONES, Bradley & Peter GOOS: “A candidate-set-free algorithm for generating D-optimal split-plot designs”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: D-optimality, Exchange algorithm, Hard-to-change factors, Multi-stratum design, Split-plot design, Tailor-made design

GILMOUR, Steven G. & Peter GOOS: “Analysis of data from nonorthogonal multi-stratum designs”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Bayesian methods, Coffee, Effective degrees of freedom, Freeze drying, Generalized least squares, Likelihood, MCMC, REML, Split-plot experiment

BORGHERS, Eddy: “French regional wheat prices: 1756-1872. Généralités versus départements”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Multivariate statistics, Wheat prices, France

BORGHERS, Eddy: “French regional wheat prices: 1756-1870. An illustrated statistical analysis"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Multivariate statistics, Wheat prices, France

Niet beschikbaar/Not available

Niet beschikbaar/Not available

Working Papers 2005

SUETENS, Sigrid & Jan POTTERS: “Bertrand colludes more than Cournot”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Collusion, Quantity-choice and price-choice experiments

OKKERSE, Liesbet: “Simulating the impact of immigration on wages and unemployment”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

PAUWELS, Wilfried & Peter M. KORT: “Renegotiating government procurement contracts”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

GOOSSENS, Kelly: “Competitive balance in European football: Comparison by adapting measures: National measure of seasonal imbalance and top 3”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

GOOS, Peter: “The usefulness of optimal design for generating blocked and split-plot response surface experiments”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Equivalence of OLS and GLS, Ordinary least squares, Generalized least squares, Orthogonal blocking, D-optimal design

GARRETSEN, Harry, Cindy MOONS & Bas VAN AARLE: “Monetary policy in the Euro-Area: An analysis using a stylized new-Keynesian model”
JEL Classifications:  F31, F41, G15
Keywords:  EMU, Fiscal policy, Monetary policy

PAUWELS, Wilfried & Marcel WEVERBERGH: “The golden rule in transfer pricing regulation”
JEL Classifications: F13, K2, C72
Keywords: Transfer pricing, Welfare analysis

SPRINGAEL, Johan & Wim DE KEYSER: “A branch and bound algorithm to construct a consensus ranking based on Kendall’s ᴛ”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Group decision support, Rankcorrelation, Kendall’s ᴛ, Branch and bound algorithm

MATTHYSSENS, Paul & Tine BUYL: “From product to total solution: An enriched channel perspective”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Total solutions, Channel management, Channel relationships, Relationship management

KÉSENNE, Stefan: “Revenue sharing and owner profits in professional team sports”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

CUYVERS, Ludo & Michel DUMONT: “Export opportunities and export promotion activities in Belgium: Is there any connection?”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

MOONS, Cindy & André VAN POECK: “Does one size fit all? A Taylor-rule based analysis of monetary policy for current and future EMU members”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

CHUSSEAU, Nathalie, Michel DUMONT, Joël HELLIER, Glenn RAYP & Peter WILLEMÉ: “Wage inequality and immigration in Europe during the first stage of the international division of labour (1960-1975)"
JEL Classifications: F22, J31
Keywords: Immigration, International division of labour, Wage inequality

CUYVERS, Ludo & Stijn VERHERSTRAETEN: “The network of interlocking directorates between international economic organizations (2004)”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: International economic organizations, Interlocking directorates, Interlocking directorships, Organizational networks

BORGHERS, Eddy & Patrick WESSA: “The Xycoon project”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Web traffic, Search rank, Impact factor, Citations, Statistics

VAN DE VOOREN, Floris W.C.J. & Tom PAUWELS: “The impact on transport and economy of a levy on mobility: Consequences of spending the revenues of the levy”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Revenue recycling, Spending options, MOBILEC model, Scenario analysis, Preferences

VANHAECHT, Eve & Wilfried PAUWELS: “University competition: Symmetric or asymmetric quality choices?”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: (Higher) Education, Research, Competition, Horizontal and vertical dominance, Asymmetric equilibria

PEDRAIRA DO COUTO FERRAZ, Lucas, Joseph PLASMANS & André VAN POECK: “On the relative stickiness of wages and prices in Western Europe and the United States: A structural VAR approach”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

KÉSENNE, Stefan: “Competitive balance in team sports and the impact of revenue sharing. A survey of the economic theory”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

KÉSENNE, Stefan: “Do we need an economic impact study or a cost-benefit analysis of a sports event?”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

SPRINGAEL, Johan & Inneke VAN NIEUWENHUYSE: “A lost sales inventory model with a compound poisson demand pattern”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Discrete inventory models, Compound Poisson process, Lost sales, Jonquière’s function

GABRIËLS, Xavier & Patricia VAN DE WIELE: “Creative accounting: Ethical perceptions among accounting and non-accounting students”
JEL Classifications: M14, M49
Keywords: Creative accounting, Earnings management, Ethics, Enron, Education

VAN POECK, André, Jacques VANNESTE & Maret VEINER: “Exchange rate regimes and exchange market pressure in the new EU member countries”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

BUYSSCHAERT, An, Marc DELOOF & Marc JEGERS: “Is group affiliation profitable in developed countries? Not in Belgium”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Business groups, Company performance, Developed countries, Internal capital markets

RENIERS, Genserik, Wout DULLAERT & Karel SOUDAN: “A framework for optimizing cross-company prevention in case of adding equipment to a chemical cluster”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN TENDELOO, Brenda & Ann VANSTRAELEN: “Earnings management and audit quality in Europe: Evidence from the private client segment market”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

LEIJTEN, Mariëlle & Luuk VAN WAES: “Inputlog: A logging tool for the research of writing processes”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Keystroke logging, Registration tool, Writing processes, Pauses, Writing modes, Text analysis, Pause analysis, Writing observation, Cognitive processes

CUYVERS, Ludo, Philippe DE LOMBAERDE & Stijn VERHERSTRAETEN: “Current status of East Asian economic integration”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN NIEUWENHUYSE, Inneke & Nico VANDAELE: “Estimating process batch flow times in a two-stage stochastic lowshop with overlapping operations”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

GOOSSENS, Nico & Nico VANDAELE: “Modelling blocking systems with zero buffer in semi-process industries”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VANDAELE, Nico, Diederik CLAERHOUT, Inneke VAN NIEUWENHUYSE & Rony CREMMERY: “E-POLCA to control multi-product, multi-machine job shops”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

KOCH, Inge & Ann DE SCHEPPER: “Discrete annuities using truncate stochastic interest rates: The case of a Vasicek and Ho-Lee model”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

BREUGELMANS, Els, Katia CAMPO & Els GIJSBRECHTS: “Opportunities for active stock-out management in online stores: The impact of the stock-out policy on online stock-out reactions”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN NIEUWENHUYSE Inneke & Nico VANDAELE: “Analysis of gap times in a two-stage stochastic flowshop with overlapping operations”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

AERTS, Walter, Denis CORMIER & Michel MAGNAN: “Financial analysts' concerns, media exposure and corporate environmental communication. Accounting for simultaneous relationships in an international perspective”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Analysts' forecasts, Corporate disclosure, Stakeholder theory, Media exposure, Environmental disclosure, Environmental performance, Web reporting

CHERCHYE, Laurens, Bruno DE BORGER & Tom VAN PUYENBROECK: “Nonparametric tests of optimizing behavior in public service provision: Methodology and an application to local safety”
JEL Classifications: C14, C61, D21, D24
Keywords: Public agencies, Optimizing behavior, Nonparametric production, Local police departments

KÉSENNE, Stefan: “The organization of European football and the competitive balance within and between nations”
JEL Classifications: J6, L52, L83
Keywords: Labour mobility, Industrial policy, Regulation, Sports economics

Working Papers 2004

MEERSMAN, Hilde, Eddy VAN DE VOORDE & Thierry VANELSLANDER: “Transport objectives, instruments and indicators”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

RENIERS, Genserik, Wout DULLAERT & Karel SOUDAN: “A domino effect evaluation model”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN NIEUWENHUYSE, Inneke: "An adapted queueing model for estimating replenishment lead times in make-to-stock batch process industries”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

LIMÈRE, Arthur, Eddy LAVEREN & Koen VAN HOOF: “A classification model for firm growth on the basis of ambitions, external potential and resources by means of decision tree induction”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Company growth, Growth enablers, Growth disablers, Decision tree induction, Pecking order theorem

LAVEREN, Eddy, Arthur LIMÈRE & Ellen VANBILSEN: “CEO experience and firm growth in small family firms”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Firm performance, Firm growth, Management experience

BEUSELINCK, Christophe, Marc DELOOF & Sophie MANIGART: “Private equity investments and disclosure policy”
JEL Classifications: G30, M10, M41
Keywords: Disclosure, Private equity, Unlisted firms, Monitoring, Corporate governance

SUETENS, Sigrid: “Literature review: R&D cooperation in oligopoly with spillovers: An experimental economics approach”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

CRUIJSSEN, Frans, Martine COOLS, Wout DULLAERT & Hein FLEUREN: “Horizontal cooperation in logistics: Opportunities and impediments”
JEL Classifications: C40
Keywords: Horizontal cooperation, Logistics networks, Freight transportation, Empirical research

DE BORGER, Bruno & Stef PROOST: “Vertical and horizontal tax competition in the transport sector”
JEL Classifications: R48, H71, H21
Keywords: -

DE BORGER, Bruno & Inge MAYERES: “Taxation of car-ownership, car use and public transport: Insight derived from a discrete choice numerical optimisation model”
JEL Classifications: H21, H23, R41
Keywords: Transport externalities, Optimal taxation, Two-part tariffs

CALTHROP, Edward & Bruno DE BORGER: “Tax-overshifting in wage bargaining models”
JEL Classifications: H20, J51
Keywords: Bargaining models, Tax over-shifting

Niet beschikbaar/Not available

BRYS, Guy, Mia HUBERT & Anja STRUYF: “Goodness-of-fit tests based on a robust measure of skewness”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN DE MIEROOP, Dorien: “Quantitative and qualitative analysis of institutional and professional identity”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Institutional and professional identity, Quantitative analysis, Discourse analysis, Agentive and epistemic self-references

KOCH, Inge & Ann DE SCHEPPER: “General annuities under truncate stochastic interest rates”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

THOMASSEN, Liesbeth & Martine VAN WOUWE: “A closed-form formula for unprotected American call options on assets paying discrete known dividends”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN CANEGHEM, Tom: “Audit quality, materiality & threshold-induced earnings management”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

KÉSENNE, Stefan: “The win maximization model reconsidered. Flexible talent supply and efficiency wages”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VANNESTE, Jacques, André VAN POECK & Maret VEINER: “Exchange rate regimes and exchange market pressure in accession countries”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

SPRINGAEL, Johan, Yves DE SMET & Pierre KUNSCH: “An new framework for describing the decision behaviour of large groups”
JEL Classifications: 90B50, 91B06
Keywords: Multicriteria decision aid, Statistical modelling, Markov chains, Pairwise preference modelling

VAN VOLSEM, Sofie, Wout DULLAERT & Rik VAN LANDEGHEM: “An evolutionary algorithm and discrete event simulation for optimizing inspection strategies for multi-stage processes”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Inspection allocation, Quality economics, Evolutionary algorithm, Discrete event simulation

VAN WAES, Luuk, Liesbet OPDENACKER & Geert JACOBS: “Press releases online: The effectiveness of Calliope as an online writing center for business communication”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Online writing centers, Press releases, Writing processes, Learning styles, Self-efficacy, Peer feedback

DEWEIRDT, Edward, Wendy GOEMINNE & Geert VAN CAMPENHOUT: “Bedrijfseconomische redenen voor inkoop van eigen aandelen”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Inkoop van eigen aandelen, Enquête

ROMMENS, An, Marc DELOOF & Marc JEGERS: “Why do holding companies in pyramidal groups trade at a discount?”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Holding companies, Closed-end fund discount, Pyramidal groups, Private benefits, Clinical study

VERHETSEL, Ann & Dries VAN HOFSTRAETEN: “De introductie van de ruimtelijke dimensie in de analyse van het verplaatsingsgedrag van personen: Een gevalstudie voor het Antwerpse stadsgewest”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

BOSCHMANS, Kris & Jan BOUCKAERT: “Job raiding raises human capital investments”
JEL Classifications: L13, J63
Keywords: Job raiding, Human capital, Labor markets

DE SCHEPPER, Ann & Bart HEIJNEN: “On the pricing of options under limited information”
JEL Classifications: G130, C190, C650, E400
Keywords: Black-Scholes, Option pricing, Limited information

DE BORGER, Bruno, Stef PROOST & K. VAN DENDER: “Congestion and tax competition in a parallel network”
JEL Classifications: H23, H71, R41, R48
Keywords: Congestion pricing, Transit traffic

BEUSELINCK, Christof, Marc DELOOF & Sophie MANIGART: “Venture capital, private equity and earnings quality”
JEL Classifications: G32, M13, M49
Keywords: -

WUYTS, Bart, Tom VAN WOENSEL & Nico VANDAELE: “Validating state-dependent queueing models for uninterrupted trafic flows using simulation”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

Working Papers 2003

SUETENS, Sigrid: “Voluntary R&D cooperation in experimental duopoly markets”
JEL Classifications: C90, L13, O31
Keywords: R&D, Duopoly, Experiment

AERTS, Walter, Denis CORMIER & Michel MAGNAN: “Intra-industry imitation in corporate environmental disclosure: A neo-institutional perspective”
JEL Classifications: -

DECAMPS, Marc, Ann DE SCHEPPER & Marc GOOVAERTS: “Path integrals as a tool for pricing interest rate contingent claims: The case of reflecting and absorbing boundaries”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

BOSTYN, Frank, P. DEBAL, R. VANDINGENEN, Peter WILLEMÉ & M.M. YEO: “An empirical study of the variance of Belgium firm profitability”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

BOSTYN, Frank, P. DEBAL & R. VANDINGENEN: “Euclidian distance measurement methodology for determining the reliability of financial statements”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

BOSTYN, Frank & R. VANDINGENEN: “Sources of persistent firm performance differences”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

BOSTYN, Frank & R. VANDINGENEN: “Conceptualization and measurement of firm performance”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

LEIJTEN, Mariëlle & Luuk VAN WAES: “The writing processes and learning strategies of initial users of speech recognition. A case study on the adaptation process of two professional writers”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Writing processes, Learning strategies, Speech recognition, Research method, Writing modes

KÉSENNE, Stefan: “Revenue sharing and competitive balance. Does it invariance proposition hold?”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

ANNAERT, Jan, Anouk G.P. CLAES & Marc J.K. DE CEUSTER: “Does the Compass Rose pattern matter for testing normality?”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DI BARTOLOMEO, Giovanni, Jacob ENGWERDA, Joseph PLASMANS & Bas VAN AARLE: “Macroeconomic stabilisation policies in the EMU: Spillovers, asymmetries and institutions”
JEL Classifications: C70, E17, E58, E61, E63
Keywords: Macroeconomic stabilisation, EMU, Coalition formation, Linear quadratic differential games

KÉSENNE, Stefan: “The salary cap proposal of the G-14 in European football”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

KÉSENNE, Stefan: “Competitive balance and revenue sharing when rich clubs have poor teams”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN DE VOOREN, Floris W.C.J. & Tom PAUWELS: “Improvement of infrastructure: Spatial effects and how to finance”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

OKKERSE, Liesbet: “Effects of migration: An applied general equilibrium analysis for Belgium”
JEL Classifications: D58, F22, J61
Keywords: Migration, Labour markets, Applied general equilibrium

DELOOF, Marc & Véronique WEETS: “External financing, information disclosure and the timeliness of annual shareholder meetings and financial statement filings in Belgium”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

MERLEVEDE, Bruno: “Reform reversals and output growth in transition economies”
JEL Classifications: O57, P21, P26, P27
Keywords: Transition, Structural reform, Reversal, Stabilization, Initial conditions

BUYSSCHAERT, An, Marc DELOOF & Marc JEGERS: “Ondernemingsgroepen en interne kapitaalmarkten: Een literatuuroverzicht”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DE MAEYER, Jan & Tom PAUWELS: “Mode choice modelling. A literature review on the role of quality of service attributes and their monetary valuation in freight demand models"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

THOMASSEN, Liesbeth & Martine VAN WOUWE: “The influence of a stochastic interest rate on the n-fold compound option”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Financial, N-fold compound options, Log-normal interest rates

GOOVAERTS, Marc, Ann DE SCHEPPER & Yong HUA: “Copulas and the distribution of cash flows with mixed signs”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

SEVAUX, Marc & Kenneth SÖRENSEN: “A genetic algorithm for robust schedules in a just-in-time environment”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Quality robustness, Solution robustness, Single machine scheduling problem, Weighted number of late jobs, Genetic algorithm

BOUCKAERT, Jan & Frank VERBOVEN: “Price squeezes in a regulatory environment”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN NIEUWENHUYSE, Inneke & Nico VANDAELE: “The impact of lot splitting on lead times in a deterministic production line”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Transfer batching, Overlapping operations, Lead time management

VAN UYTBERGEN, Steve: “Empirical research on market efficiency with respect to accounting information: A critical survey of the literature”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DE BORGER, Bruno & Kurt VAN DENDER: “Transport tax reform, commuting and endogenous values of time”
JEL Classifications: R41, H21, H23
Keywords: Transport, Congestion, Value of time

SZYMANSKI, Stefan & Stefan KÉSENNE: “Competitive balance and gate revenue sharing in team sports”
JEL Classifications: L83, D72
Keywords: Team sports, Contest (tournament) theory, Competitive balance

VAN DE VOOREN, Floris W.C.J.: “Koppeling van transportmodellen”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

BORGHIJS, Alain, Giovanni DI BARTOLOMEO & Bruno MERLEVEDE: “Inflation and unemployment in OECD countries: The role of political ideologies, central bank independance and industrial relations”
JEL Classifications: E00, E58, E61, J50
Keywords: Partisanship, Labor market institutions, Central bank independence, Economic performance

Working Papers 2002

CAMPO, Katia, Odette DE STAEBEL, Els GIJSBRECHTS & Walter VAN WATERSCHOOT: "Therapeutic drug prescription behavior: Decision process and marketing mix effects"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN WATERSCHOOT, Walter, Joeri DE HAES & Annouk LIEVENS: "Some critical observations on the classic concept and classification of distribution service outputs"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN DE WIELE, Patricia: "Corporate disclosure strategies before business failure: The case of voluntary disclosure of sales by small and medium sized enterprises"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DE RIDDER, A. & Diana DE GRAEVE: "Order bias in estimates of willingness to pay for drugs to treat Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. A contingent valuation study among students"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

THOMASSEN, Liesbeth, Jan VAN CASTEREN & Martine VAN WOUWE: "Decomposition of the n-fold compound option"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Financial, N-fold compound options

JORISSEN, Ann, Ann VANSTRAELEN & Eddy LAVEREN: "The use of planning and control practices in SME's and the relationship with company performance"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

JORISSEN, Ann, Eddy LAVEREN, Rudy MARTENS & Anne-Mie REHEUL: "The relationship between management accounting systems, firm strategy, perceived environmental uncertainty, networking, CEO characteristics and performance in SME's"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

JORISSEN, Ann, Eddy LAVEREN, Rudy MARTENS & Anne-Mie REHEUL: "Differences between family and non-family firms. The impact of different research samples with increasing elimination of demographic sample differences"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

CAMPO, Katia & Els GIJSBRECHTS: "On store format, category space allocation, and opportunities for micromarketing"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Store format, Micromarketing, Category space allocation

VAN UYTBERGEN, Steve: "Empirical research on the efficient stock markets hypothesis: The state of affairs"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN OURTI, Tom: "Measuring horizontal inequity in health care using Belgian panel data"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Equity in health care, Count data, Two-part model, Panel data

DE RIDDER, Isabelle, Gert RIJLAARSDAM & Luuk VAN WAES: "Readers and writers: How the analysis of reading behaviour provides a sound basis for designing L2-hypertexts"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN CANEGHEM, Tom: "The impact of audit quality on earnings rounding-up behaviour"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN DE VOOREN, Floris W.C.J. & Tom PAUWELS: "MOBILEC: De wisselwerking tussen mobiliteit en economie gemodelleerd. Beleidseffecten in Vlaanderen"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

BLAUWENS, Gust, S. JANSSENS, Bert VERNIMMEN & Frank WITLOX: "The importance of frequency for combined transport of containers"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

GABRIËLS, Xavier: "The impact of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERPS) on the management accounting (information) systems of an organization"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN KERCKHOVEN, Tony: "The influence of cultural differences on corporate internet reporting in three Western European countries: A preliminary study"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

SÖRENSEN, Kenneth: "Tabu searching for robust solutions. Theoretical framework"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

GOOVAERTS, Marc, Ann DE SCHEPPER & Marc DECAMPS: "Transition probabilities for diffusion equations by means of path integrals"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Diffusion processes, Transition probability, Path integral, Comonotonicity

AERTS, Walter: "Self-serving tendencies in retrospective reasoning in accounting narratives: Does a capital market environment matter?"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

ALOFS, Margo: "Migration probability as an incentive for human capital accumulation when information is asymmetric"
JEL Classifications: O15, J24, F22
Keywords: International migration, Human capital formation, Economic growth, Brain drain, Brain gain

MOSSELMANS, Bert: "Adolphe Quetelet, the average man and the development of economic methodology"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

BOUCKAERT, Jan & Geert DHAENE: "Inter-ethnic trust and reciprocity: Results of an experiment with small business entrepreneurs"
JEL Classifications: C91, J71
Keywords: Ethnic discrimination, Experimental economics, Trust game

GIJSBRECHTS, Els & Wilfried PAUWELS: "Optimal prices, package sizes and package compositions in a market with variety seeking and loyal consumers"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Variety seeking behavior, Price discrimination, Product policy, Game theory

PLASMANS, Joseph, Hilde MEERSMAN, André VAN POECK & Bruno MERLEVEDE: "The unemployment benefit system and wage flexibility in EMU: Time-varying evidence in five countries"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

ANNAERT, Jan & Geert VAN CAMPENHOUT: "Style breaks in return-based style analysis"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

KÉSENNE, Stefan: "Club objectives and ticket pricing in professional team sports"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

SLEURS, Kim, Geert JACOBS & Luuk VAN WAES: "Constructing press releases: Quotations as preformulation"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Press releases, Ethnography, Writing process analysis, Preformulation, Pseudo-quotations

VAN DE MIEROOP, Dorien: "Building a corporate image. An analysis of identity markers in business speeches"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DE KEYSER, Wim & Johan SPRINGAEL: "Another way of looking at group decision making opens new perspectives"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: GDSS, Group decision making, Multicriteria analysis

THOMASSEN, Liesbeth & Martine VAN WOUWE: "A sensivity analysis for the n-fold compound option"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Financial, N-fold compound options, Multivariate, Greeks

VAN AARLE, Bas, Giovanni DI BARTOLOMEO, Jacob ENGWERDA & Joseph PLASMANS: "Staying together or breaking apart: Policy-makers' endogenous coalitions formation in the European Economic and Monetary Union"
JEL Classifications: C70, E17, E58, E61, E63
Keywords: Macroeconomic stabilization, EMU, Coalition formation

LUKATCH, Ruslan & Joseph PLASMANS: "Knowledge spillovers in Belgium: Evidence from the firm's patent citation behavior"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

CLAES, Anouk, Marc J.K. DE CEUSTER & Istvan LAGAERT: "Optimale schatting van beta's in de minder liquide Belgische markt", Bank- en Financiewezen, 5, 2002, 298-303.
Niet beschikbaar/Not available

VAN DE WIELE, Patricia: "Voluntary disclosure of sales by small and medium sized enterprises: An extended analytical model"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DI BARTOLOMEO, Giovanni & Wilfried PAUWELS: "The issue of instability in a simple policy game between the central bank and the representative union"
JEL Classifications: E52, E55, E61, J51, C62, C70
Keywords: Central bank independence, Inflation bias, Inlfation spiral, Stability

ANNAERT, Jan, Anouk G.P. CLAES & Marc J.K. DE CEUSTER: "Inter-temporal stability of the European credit spread co-movement structure"
JEL Classifications: G110, G150
Keywords: Credit spreads, Diversification, Correlations, Corporate bonds

VAN CAMPENHOUT, Geert: "Fund misclassification and the limitations and applications of return-based style analysis"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

CUNLIFFE, John & Guido ERREYGERS: "Inheritance and equal shares: Early American views"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DE RIDDER, Isabelle, Licia CALVI & Walter GEERTS: "Non-linear learning the "open" way: Language acquisition on the Web"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DELOOF, Marc, Wouter DE MAESENEIRE & Koen INGHELBRECHT: "The valuation of IPOs by investment banks and the stock market: Empirical evidence"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN CANEGHEM, Tom: "Earnings management induced by cognitive reference points"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN DE WIELE, Patricia: "An empirical analysis of voluntary disclosure of sales by small and medium sized enterprises"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

CUYVERS, Ludo: "Thailand's export opportunities today with special attention to Asia-Pacific and the European Union"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

Working Papers 2001

THOMASSEN, Liesbeth & Martine VAN WOUWE: "The n-fold compound option"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Financial, N-fold compound options, Multivariate normal CDF

VANDAELE, Nico, Inneke VAN NIEUWENHUYSE & Sascha CUPERS: "Optimal grouping for a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) scanner"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Queueing, Health services, Performance analysis, Lot sizing

BOIANOVSKY, Mauro: "Patinkin, the Cowles Commission, and the theory of unemployment and aggregate supply"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DE WEVER, Sigrid, Rudy MARTENS & Koen VANDENBEMPT: "Trust in interorganisational networks: Towards a conceptual model"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DE SCHEPPER, Ann, Marc GOOVAERTS, Jan DHAENE, Rob KAAS & David VYNCKE: "Bounds for present value functions with stochastic interest rates and stochastic volatility"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DE BOECK, Liesje & Nico VANDAELE: "Modeling a generic assembly system II"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DE CEUSTER, Marc J.K. & Nancy MASSCHELEIN: "Regulating banks through market discipline. A survey of the issues", Journal of Economic Surveys, 17/5, 2003, 749-766.
Niet beschikbaar/Not available

BUYSSCHAERT, An, Marc DELOOF & Marc JEGERS: "Equity sales in Belgian corporate groups: Expropriation of minority shareholders?"
JEL Classifications: G14, G32, G34
Keywords: -

JORISSEN, Ann, Eddy LAVEREN, Rudy MARTENS & Anne-Mie REHEUL: "Planning and control practices in family firms versus non-family firms: Empirical evidence from SMEs in the wholesale sector"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

JACOBS, Geert & Chris BRAECKE: "Contrastive perspectives on the reliability of grammar testing: The case of the verb phrase in L2 English"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Grammar testing, Contrastive analysis, L2 English, The English verb phrase

KEUNE, Hans, Mieke VERCAEREN & Daniël VLOEBERGHS: "An original and data based approach to the work-life balance"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VERNIMMEN, Bert & Frank WITLOX: "Using an inventory theoric approach for modal choice: A case study"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Transport, Logistics, Modal choice, Inventory theory, Case study

DULLAERT, Wout & Geert VAN DE WEYER: "Scheduling flexibility and insertion zones in vehicle routing"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

KÉSENNE, Stefan: "The player labour market in a win maximizing sports league"
Niet beschikbaar/Not available

DELOOF, Marc: "Does working capital management affect profitability of Belgian firms?"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN DE VOOREN, Floris W.C.J.: "Regionale effectanalyse van infrastructuurprojecten"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DULLAERT, Wout, Gerrit K. JANSSENS, Kenneth SÖRENSEN & Bert VERNIMMEN: "New heuristics for the fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem with time windows"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DULLAERT, Wout: "Scheduling flexibility and the contribution maximizing vehicle routing problem with time windows"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

FAUCOMPRET, Erik & Jozef KONINGS: "The integration of Poland into the European Union"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN POECK, André & Alain BORGHIJS: "EMU and labour market reform: Needs, incentives and realisations"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Unemployment, Europeon Monetary Union, Labour market reform

VAN DE VOOREN, Floris W.C.J. & J.T. JETTEN: "De betekenis van transport en transportbeleid voor de economische groei"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

CUYVERS, Ludo, M. DUMONT, G. RAYP & K. STEVENS: "The impact of international trade with East and South-East Asian NICS, on wages in Europe"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

COOLS, Martine: "International transfer pricing. Do regulatory changes drive management accounting changes? Preliminary insights from the tax director's point of view"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

ADRIAENSSEN, Ines & Diana DE GRAEVE: "Wie valt er door de mazen van het net? Verkennend profiel van de patiënt met betalingsproblemen in het ziekenhuis"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

FAUCOMPRET, Erik: "European political integration: A historical perspective"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

BLAUWENS, Gust, S. JANSSENS, Bert VERNIMMEN & Frank WITLOX: "Modale keuze in het goederenvervoer op basis van een vergelijking van de totale logistieke kostprijs: Twee concrete gevalstudies"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VANELSLANDER, Thierry & Ann VERHETSEL: "Integrale evaluatie van de band tussen ruimtelijk-economische structuur en infrastructuur voor goederenvervoer"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

ADRIAENSSEN, Ines & Diana DE GRAEVE: "Socio-economische determinanten van medische consumptie: Analyse gezondheidsenquête 1997"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

ACOCELLA, Nicola & Giovanni DI BARTOLOMEO: "Partisanship and fiscal policy co-ordination in a monetary union"
JEL Classifications: E62, E64, F15, F42
Keywords: Partisanship, Monetary union, International co-operation, Policy games

FAUCOMPRET, Erik: "The dismemberment of Yugoslavia and the European Union"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

BETHUYNE, Gerrit: "A procedure for timing technology adoptions using a generalized form of technological progress"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DE CEUSTER, Marc, Jan ANNAERT & Allan HODGSON: "Moment condition failure Australian evidence"
JEL Classifications: C14, C22, G12
Keywords: Sum stable distributions, Hill-estimator, Moments

DE BOECK, Liesje & Nico VANDAELE: "Modeling a generic assembly system"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

CLAES, Anouk, Marc J.K. DE CEUSTER & Ruud POLFLIET: "Anatomy of the Eurobond market 1980-2000", European Financial Management, 3, 2002, 373-385.
Niet beschikbaar/Not available

PLASMANS, Joseph & Ruslan LUKACH: "Measuring knowledge spillovers using Belgian EPO and USPTO patent data"
JEL Classifications: O30, O34, C50
Keywords: -

GOLDBERG, Lawrence G. & Rezaul KABIR: "The stock market performance of the central banks of Belgium and Japan", Journal of Economics and Business, 54, 2002, 137-152.
JEL Classifications: E58, G20, N20
Keywords: Central bank, Stock market, Valuation, Performance

VAN AARLE, Bas, Jacob ENGWERDA & Joseph PLASMANS: "Monetary and fiscal policy interaction in the EMU: A dynamic game approach", Annals of Operations Research, 109, 2002, 229-264.
JEL Classifications: C70, E17, E58, E61, E63
Keywords: EMU, Stabilisation policies, Full and partial cooperation, LQ dynamic game

DI BARTOLOMEO, Giovanni: "Partisanship, corporatism and economic performance"
JEL Classifications: E00, E58, E61, J50
Keywords: Labor market institutions, Policy game, Hump-shaped relationships, Inflation and unemployment

VAN OURTI, Tom: "Measuring socio-economic inequality in ill-health using permanent income"
JEL Classifications: I19, D31
Keywords: Inequality, Ill-health, Permanent income

HEAVER, Trevor, Hilde MEERSMAN & Eddy VAN DE VOORDE: "Co-operation and competition in international container transport: Strategies for ports"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

BORGHIJS, Alain: "Does product market integration lead to European wage-setting?"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

Working Papers 2000

CALFAT, Germán, Renato G. FLÔRES Jr. & Maria Cecilia GANAME: "Endogenous protection in Mercosul: An empirical analysis"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

CAMPO, Katia, Els GIJSBRECHTS & Patricia NISOL: "Dynamics in consumer response to product unavailability: Do stock-out reactions signal response to permanent assortment reductions?"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

Niet beschikbaar/Not available

VAN WOENSEL, Tom, Ruth CRETEN & Nico J. VANDAELE: "Managing the environmental externalities of traffic logistics: The issue of emissions"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Traffic logistics, Environmental impact, Road traffic, Queueing theory, Life cycle management impact

DE BORGER, Bruno: "Discrete choice models and optimal two-part tariffs in the presence of externalities: Optimal taxation of cars"
JEL Classifications: H21, H23, R48
Keywords: Optimal taxation, Two-part tariff, Externalities, Discrete choice

DE BORGER, Bruno & Kristiaan KERSTENS: "The Malmquist productivity index and plant capacity utilisation"
JEL Classifications: C61, D24
Keywords: Productivity, Capacity utilisation

DE BORGER, Bruno, Kristiaan KERSTENS & Álvaro COSTA: "Public transit performance: What do we learn from frontier studies?"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAESSEN, Jos: "Accessibility of rural credit in Northern Nicaragua: The importance of networks of information and recommendation"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VANELSLANDER, Thierry: "Haveneconomisch onderzoek: Waar schuilen de onderzoeksmogelijkheden?"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN DE WIELLE, Bart: "Network competition with consumer switching costs: A model for the telecommunications sector"
JEL Classifications: D43, L11, L13
Keywords: Switching costs, Entry, Mobile telecommunications, Market growth

DE KEYSER, Peter: "Normative versus positive analysis of government expenditures: An application to three decades of defence spending"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DULLAERT, Wout: "A sequential insertion heuristic for the vehicle routing problem with time windows with relatively few customers per route"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN WAES, Luuk: "Task variation in usability testing of web sites. An analysis of three experimental studies"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

BERLAGE, Lode, Danny CASSIMON, Jacques DRÈZE & Paul REDING: "Prospective aid and indebtedness relief: A proposal"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN LOON, Jozef & Grazia BERGER: "Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Geringer Goodwill, großer Bedarf"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN DE VOOREN, Floris W. C. J.: "Naar een welvaartsoptimale infrastructuurplanning"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

ADRIAENSSEN, Ines & Diana DE GRAEVE: "Toegankelijkheid verzekerd? Doorlichting van de regelgeving van de verzekering voor geneeskundige verzorging in België"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

CALFAT, Germán, Renato G. FLÔRES Jr. & Maria Florencia GRANATO: "Dynamic effects of MERCOSUR: An assessment for Argentina"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN ACKER, Frank: "Of clubs and conflict: The dissolvant power of social capital in Kivu (D.R. Congo)"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN DE VOOREN, Floris W. C. J.: "Transport en ruimte in een dubbele dubbelslag"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

LUKATCH, Ruslan & Joseph PLASMANS: "R&D and production behavior of asymmetric duopoly subject to knowledge spillover"
JEL Classifications: C72, D21, O31
Keywords: Innovation, R&D, Spillovers, Cooperation

PAUWELS, Tom: "Het goederenvervoer in België: Een kritische analyse van de transportstatistieken, met specifieke aandacht voor herkomst-bestemmingsdata"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VANDAELE, Nico J., Marc R. LAMBRECHT, Nicolas DE SCHUYTER & Rony CREMMERY: "Spicer Off-Highway Products Division - Brugge - improves its lead time and scheduling performance"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN BREEDAM, Alex: "Comparing descent heuristics and metaheuristics for the vehicle routing problem"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

HEAVER, T., Hilde MEERSMAN, F. MOGLIA & Eddy VAN DE VOORDE: "Do mergers and alliances influence European shipping and port competition?"
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

Working Papers 1999

PLASMANS, Joseph, Hilde MEERSMAN, André VAN POECK & Bruno MERLEVEDE: “Generosity of the unemployment benefit systern and wage flexibility in EMU: Time-varying evidence in five countries”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

PLASMANS, Joseph, Wilfried PAUWELS & Theo THEWYS: “Strategic R&D and patent behaviour in some EU-countries”
JEL Classifications: 030
Keywords: Game theory, Innovation, Patents, R&D spillovers

VAN AARLE, Bas, Jacob C. ENGWERDA, Joseph E.J. PLASMANS & Arie WEEREN: “Monetary and fiscal pollcy design under EMU: A dynamic game approach”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

REYNS, Carl, Eddy VAN DE VOORDE, Ann VERHETSEL, Frank WITLOX, P. ROOTHAER & Thierry VANELSLANDER: “Toekomstmogelijkheden voor duurzame werkgelegenheid in het stedelijk gebied Turnhout. Paper enquête”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VANDENBEMPT, Koen & Paul MATTHYSSENS: “Barriers to strategic innovation: A network perspective”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Strategic innovation, Business networks, Value creation for customers, Organizational and cognitive barriers to innovation, Case study research

GRUBER, Harald & Frank VERBOVEN: “The evolution of markets under entry and standards regulation - The case of a global mobile telecommunications”
JEL Classifications: L1, L86, O3
Keywords: Technology diffusion, Entry regulation, Standards and competing systems, Capacity constraints, Consumer switching costs, Network externalities, Pre-emption, Mobile telecommunications

ENGELEN, Peter-Jan & Els DEGROOTE: “Underpricing van Belgische beursintroducties”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAESSEN, Jos & Johan BASTIAENSEN: “Social capital and institutions: In search of a conceptual framework for the analysis of local rural development”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

CLAESSENS, Evrard & Ysabel NAUWELAERTS: “Substitution versus complementarity between trade and foreign direct investments: A cover-ratio analysis of OECD countries”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

BETHUYNE, Gerrit: “The timing of technology adoption by a cost-minimizing firm”
JEL Classifications: D81, D92, 033
Keywords: Technology adoption, Investment timing, Waiting option value

LYBAERT, Nadine & Eddy LAVEREN: “Financierbare versus werkelijke groei en de investeringskeuze van Belgische industriële KMO's”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

NAUWELAERTS, Ysabel: “Explaining shifts in country-specialization patterns between European and Asian countries: An application to the textile and clothing industry”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DE HERDT, Tom: “Fairness concerns about poverty relief. The case of Médecins Sans Frontières in Kinshasa”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Food aid, Norms of fairness, Congo, Zaire

GIJSBRECHTS, Els, Myriam SCHAMPS & Walter VAN WATERSCHOOT: “Teaching note - Case study Leffe: Developing a marketing strategy for the Belgian and French market”
Niet beschikbaar/Not available

GIJSBRECHTS, Els, Myriam SCHAMPS & Walter VAN WATERSCHOOT: “Case study Leffe: Developing a marketing strategy for the Belgian and French market”
Niet beschikbaar/Not available

DE HERDT, Tom: “Human nature as we know it. Inter- and intrapersonal perspectives on opportunism and commitment”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

FOUBERT, Bram: “Product bundling: Theory and application”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Product bundling, Optimal bundle composition, Pricing, Linear programming, Reservation prices, Conjoint analysis, Logit analysis, Latent class estimation

KÉSENNE, Stefan: “The impact of salary caps in professional team sports”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VANDAELE, Nico & Inneke VAN NIEUWENHUYSE: “The impact of lot sizing on queuing delays. An educational software tool”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

BIDARD, Christian & Guido ERREYGERS: “The concept of sector”
JEL Classifications: D51
Keywords: Linear models of production, Joint production, Fixed capital, Non-substitution

CAMPO, Katia, Els GIJSBRECHTS & Patricia NISOL: “Towards a conceptual framework of out-of-stock behaviour: The impact of product, consumer, and situation characteristics on out-of-stock reactions”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

CUNLIFFE, John & Guido ERREYGERS: “The enigmatic legacy of Fourier: Joseph Charlier and basic income”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

BOIANOVSKY, Mauro & Guido ERREYGERS: “Social comptabilism and pure credit systems: Solvay and Wicksell on monetary reform”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VAN AARLE, Bas, Jacob ENGWERDA & Joseph PLASMANS: “Monetary and fiscal policy interaction in the EMU: A dynamic game approach”, Annals of Operations Research, 109, 2002, 229-264.
JEL Classifications: C70, E17, E58, E61, E63
Keywords: EMU, Stabilisation policies, Full and partial cooperation, LQ dynamic game

KÉSENNE, Stefan: “Revenue sharing and competitive balance in professional team sports”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

FRIDOLFSSON, Sven-Olof & Johan STENNEK: “Why mergers reduce profits, and raise share prices - A theory of preemptive mergers”
JEL Classifications: L13, L41, G34, C78
Keywords: Mergers, Acquisitions, Defensive mergers, Coalition formation, Antitrust

VANDAELE, Nico, Liesje DE BOECK & Dominiek CALLEWIER: “An open queueing network for lead time analysis”, IIE Transactions, 34, 2002, 1-9.
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VANDAELE, Nico, Liesje DE BOECK & Dominiek CALLEWIER: “A queueing based analysis of a packing line”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VANDAELE, Nico, Tom VAN WOENSEL & Aviel VERBRUGGEN: “A queueing based traffic flow model”, Transportation Research-D: Transport and Environment, 5/2, 2000, 121-135.
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Queueing theory, Traffic flow modelling, Congestion management

MARYSSE, Stefaan: “Social capital in the context of crisis-ridden Africa”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

BORGHIJS, Alain & Philip DU CAJU: “EMU and European trade union cooperation”
JEL Classifications: F15, J31, J51, L12
Keywords: Economic integration, Wage determination, Union bargaining

CAMPO, Katia, Els GIJSBRECHTS, T. GOOSSENS & Ann VERHETSEL: “The impact of location-specific factors on attractiveness and performance of product categories”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

WITLOX, Frank & Harry TIMMERMANS: “Representing locational requirements using conventional decision tables: Theory and illustration”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: Location theory, Decision tables, Site selection, Petrochemical industry

WITLOX, Frank: “Towards a relational view on industrial location theory”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

SCHELLEKENS, Philip: “Optimal monetary policy delegation to conservative central banks”
JEL Classifications: E50
Keywords: -

SCHATTEMAN, Tom: “The measurement of mythical models. Questions, theory and data in the cases of the adverse employment effects of the minimum wage and the wage curve”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VANDENBUSSCHE, Hylke & Xavier WAUTHY: “European antidumping policy and firms' strategic cholce of quality”
JEL Classifications: F13, L13
Keywords: Bertrand competition, Injury, Quality, Welfare, European antidumping policy

DE BORGER, Bruno & Didier SWYSEN: “Public transport subsidies versus road pricing: An empirical analysis for interregional transport in Belgium”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

DE BORGER, Bruno: “Optimal two-part tariffs in a model of discrete choice”
JEL Classifications: H21, H23
Keywords: Discrete choice, Optimal taxation, Two-part tariff

DE BORGER, Bruno, Christophe COURCELLE & Didier SWYSEN: “Optimal pricing of transport externalities in a federation”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

VERBOVEN, Frank: “Price discrimination and tax incidence: Evidence from gasoline and diesel cars”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: -

CHADHA, Jagjit & Philip SCHELLEKENS: “Monetary policy loss functions: Two cheers for the quadratic”
JEL Classifications: E42, E52, E61
Keywords: Loss functions, Uncertainty, Optimal monetary policy rules

BOGAERT, Ilse, Ann JORISSEN, Eddy LAVEREN & Rudy MARTENS: “Sales growth in wholesale-SMEs: Drivers, enablers and consequences”
JEL Classifications: -
Keywords: SME, Company growth, Sales growth, Growth motives, Growth enablers, Growth impact