Heiko Kerkmeester is a lawyer and economist who primarily functions as a Senior Judge at the Supreme Administrative Court for Trade and Industry in The Hague. Before this, he received his PhD on Law and Game Theory, LL.M. from the University of Chicago.
Areas of Expertise:
- Law and Economics
- Energy Law
- Telecommunications Law
- Financial Law
Selected Publications:
- Kerkmeester, H. and Visscher, L.T. (2021) Rechtseconomie.
- Kerkmeester, H. and Visscher, L.T. (2020) Rechtseconomie.
- Kerkmeester, H. (2018) Effect analysis in Dutch telecommunications law: the rise and fall of Article 1.3 (4) of the Telecommunications Act.
Full Publication List: repository.uantwerpen.be/acadbib/irua/02892/N