Seun Lari-Williams is a PhD researcher in the Government and Law Research Group in the Faculty of Law, University of Antwerp. His research focuses on optimising music copyright dispute resolution through Dispute System Design.
Seun holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Lagos, Nigeria (2013) and was called to the Nigerian bar in 2014. In 2019, he was awarded a DAAD scholarship to pursue a masters degree in Intellectual Property and Competition at the Max Planck Institute for Competition and Innovation in Munich, Germany. For his undergraduate thesis, Seun conducted comparative research on the legal framework for character merchandising. His masters thesis titled ‘Bridging the Value Gap Between Content Creators and Digital Media Platforms: A Case Study of YouTube’, addressed the value gaps in the digital streaming industry between content creators and digital platforms. The summarised version of this thesis won the first prize for the 2020/2021 Association Littéraire Et Artistique Internationale (ALAI) European Author’s Right’s Award.
Between 2014 – 2019, Seun practiced as an attorney in a top tier litigation firm in Nigeria, and in 2020/2021, he was a graduate extern at a patent law firm in Brussels, Belgium. Seun is a co-founder, editor, and regular contributor on The IP Press, an international Intellectual Property blog.
Areas of Expertise:
- Intellectual Property law
- Dispute System Design
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Law and Technology
Selected Publications:
- Lari-Williams, S. (2019/20) Bridging the Value Gap Between Content Creators and Digital Media Platforms: A Case Study of YouTube.
Selected Projects:
- Towards A Competitive, Fair and Sustainable Copyright System: Developing an Effective Dispute System Design