Geneeskunde en Gezondheids­wetenschappen

PhD sessions Oncology


Adrien Arrigo, Center for Oncological Research (CORE)

"I wanted to express my gratitude and joy concerning those PhD sessions, it was a great opportunity to participate and follow these. It was a great way to train in a more "conference" setting compared to how we're used to present for our lab meetings and to experiment on our scientific communication skills. I could also find people to work in collaboration on subjects we're not familiar with and that we had a hard time finding in the university at first. These sessions definitely helped getting some visibility."

Amber Driesen, Proteinscience, proteomics and epigenetic signaling (PPES) - FFBD

 "The Spearhead PhD Oncology Sessions provides a unique setting where young researchers get the opportunity to present their (preliminary) data in front of an an audience of fundamental, translational and clinical cancer experts! This drives an open discussion with other scientists, but also opens the opportunity for future collaborations."

Sanne van der Heijden, Center for Oncological Research (CORE)

"On March 10th, 2023, I had the opportunity to present my PhD-project during the first PhD-session of the Oncology spearhead. In my presentation, I shared the in vivo data that I had collected and discussed the challenges I faced as a second-year PhD student. I received valuable feedback and suggestions from researchers from various research groups to help me address these challenges. The networking and poster session provided a great platform to engage in detailed discussions with my peers and to exchange novel ideas. I highly recommend attending these PhD sessions to cancer researchers at UAntwerp as it presents a unique opportunity to explore potential research collaborations."


Steven Van Laere, Debbie Le Blon, Liesbet Laurens