"Geometric aspects of momentum maps and integrability",

Conference at the CSF (Ascona, Switzerland), April 8-13, 2018.

Due to limited hotel capacity, this event is invitation-only. If you are interested in attending, please contact one of the organizers.

For the non-speakers, we will organize a poster session. Young participants satisfying certain age & experience constraints may compete for the CSF Conference Award (see below for more information).

This event is funded by CSF (Ascona, Switzerland), ETH Zurich, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF), SwissMAP.


Speakers (with abstracts + slides of some talks)

Bolsinov, Alexey (Loughborough), abstract, TALK,

Bytsko, Andrey (Geneva), abstract, TALK,

Dullin, Holger (University of Sydney), abstract, TALK,

Efstathiou, Konstantinos (Groningen), abstract,

Gukov, Sergei (CalTech), abstract,

Hanßmann, Heinz (Utrecht), abstract,

Kappeler, Thomas (Zurich),  abstract,

Izosimov, Anton (University of Arizona), abstract,

Lane, Jeremy (Geneva), abstract, TALK,

Matveev, Vladimir (Jena), abstract, TALK,

Palmer, Joseph (Rutgers), abstract, TALK,

Pelayo, Alvaro (UC San Diego), abstract,

Romão, Nuno (IHES & Augsburg), abstract, TALK,

Roubtsov, Vladimir (Angers & ITEP Moscow), abstract, TALK,

Sabatini, Silvia (Cologne), abstract, TALK,

Sepe, Daniele (Universidade Federal Fluminense), abstract, TALK,

Shatashvili, Samson (IHES & Dublin), abstract,

Suris, Yuri (TU Berlin), abstract, TALK,

Szenes, András (Budapest & Geneva), abstract,

Tarama, Daisuke (Ritsumeikan University), abstract, TALK

Tolman, Susan (Urbana-Champaign), abstract, TALK,

Volkov, Alexander (Steklov Institute), abstract,

Wacheux, Christophe (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics), abstract, TALK.

Invited participants (with abstracts of posters + some posters)

Jaume Alonso Fernandez (Antwerpen), abstract of poster, POSTER,

Damien Bouloc (Toulouse),

Alexander Caviedes Castro (Cologne),

Isabelle Charton (Cologne),

Sean Dawson (Sydney), abstract of poster, POSTER,

Roisin Dempsey Braddell (Barcelona),

Maxime Fairon (Leeds), abstract of poster, POSTER,

Marine Fontaine (Augsburg), abstract of poster, POSTER,

Tamás F. Görbe (Szeged),

Yannick Gullentops (Antwerpen),

David Hoffman (Cornell), abstract of poster, POSTER,

Yohann Le Floch (Strasbourg),

Yanpeng Li (Geneva), abstract of poster, POSTER,

Bohuan Lin (Groningen),

Nikolay Martynchuk (Groningen), abstract of poster, POSTER,

Anastasia Matveeva (Angers),

Riccardo Montalto (Zurich),

Diana Nguyen (Sydney), abstract of poster, POSTER,

Nikita Nikolaev (Geneva), abstract of poster, POSTER,

Cédric Oms (Barcelona),

Milena Pabiniak (Cologne),

Gleb Smirnov (Trieste),

Xiudi Tang (UC San Diego), abstract of poster, POSTER.

Schedule + Program + Conference picture

  • For single abstracts of talks/posters, go to the speakers' and participants' list and click on the link there.
  • Here are 2 conference pictures: PICTURE1 and PICTURE2. Both were taken by Alex Furgiuele -- many thanks!

Conference venue and travel information

  • The conference takes place at the CSF (Ascona, Switzerland). The hotel for all conference attendents is the Hotel Monte Verità in Ascona (the venue of choice for CSF subsidized conferences). The talks & poster session take place in lecture halls of the hotel building.
  • The hotel reception is 24h open.

CSF award for young scientists

In 2009, the director and the scientific board of the CSF Ascona decided to establish a CSF Award for young scientists (age criteria: maximally 3 years after PhD and maximally 33 years old). The award jury takes into account talks as well as posters. The award can be split in several parts if the jury decides to do so. The award jury of this conference consisted of

  • Heinz Hanßmann (Utrecht),
  • Vladimir Roubtsov (Angers & ITEP Moscow),
  • Daniele Sepe (Universidade Federal Fluminense),
  • Susan Tolman (Urbana-Champaign).

The jury decided to split the CSF Award into THREE EQUAL PARTS and award it EX AEQUO to

  • Benjamin Hoffman (Cornell),
  • Nikita Nikolaev (Geneva),
  • Joseph Palmer (Rutgers).

Here is a PICTURE of the three award winners with part of the jury and one of the organizers (from left to right: Sonja Hohloch, Vladimir Roubtsov, Nikita Nikolaev, Daniele Sepe, Joseph Palmer, Benjamin Hoffman, Susan Tolman).