Demarking their own territory? How elites shape the “green finance” narrative in Europe

Who: Dr. Daniel Tischer (University of Bristol)
What: Public lecture: Demarking their own territory? How elites shape the “green finance” narrative in Europe
When: December 1, 2021 from 12h30 - 14h00
Where: University of Antwerp, room E.122 and online
Organised by: Tomaso Ferrando, the Law and Development Research Group and the Institute of Development Policy
In this paper, we explore the individual and institutional relationships that operate behind the emerging market for Green Financial instruments across Europe and how that may influence national and EU-level narratives and policy making. Using network analytic tools, we explore the various types of actors that partake in different policy-focused and multistakeholder spaces at national- and EU-level between 2016 and 2021. Our analysis provides insights into the different compositions of these spaces and identifies key organizational actors and individuals that partake in multiple meetings. We argue that this enables elites to coordinate the narrative around what Green Finance ought to be and in doing so, may provide these elites to advance their own and collective market and profit-oriented agenda whilst limiting outside voice and influence of non-market actors.
Daniel Tischer:
Daniel's research interests evolve around the study of (global) finance and banking from a critical perspective. His main research focuses on critical studies in finance and banking. He is particularly interested in applying social network theory and methods to banking, including studies of inter-organisational networks, credit derivatives, and careers in finance. More recently, Dr. Tischer has collaborated with Tomaso Ferrando (University of Antwerp) to explore the European Green Finance epistemic policy network and, together with colleagues from the Personal Finance Research Centre at Bristol, coproduced crucial mapping of Access to Cash with key regulatory and industry stakeholders in the UK.
Dr. Tisher's research is conducted in the framework of the research project "Green Finance and the Transformation of Rural Property in Bazil: Building New Theoretical and Empirical Knowledge", funded by the Newton Fund of the British Academy (Newton Fund Advance Fellowships 2017) and undertaken by the Green Bonds from the South collective.
Register below if you want to attende the lecture. Please register before November 24, 2021 for organizational reasons. It is also possible to attend the lecture online (on Blackboard), however registration through the same form is required.