
Maury-Ramirez Anibal (1).jpg

Aníbal MAURY RAMÍREZ, Principal Research Fellow in Construction Technology, works on the development of sustainable building materials, particularly on green walls and roofs, photocatalytic materials, nanomaterials, and sustainable concrete (i.e., supplementary cementitious materials, recycled aggregates, permeable concrete). Also, he has been involved in the design of circular economy models and urban metabolism studies which demand the use of novel tools to assess sustainability of building materials (e.g., LCA, S-LCA and LCC).Dr. MAURY RAMIREZ is a Civil Engineer (Universidad del Norte, Colombia), ALFA Program in Materials Engineering (Tampere University of Technology, Finland) and Doctor of Civil Engineering (Ghent University, Belgium). Also, he earned his post-doctorate at the Hong Kong Polytechnique University (Hong Kong, China). He is also author from more than 20 high-impact articles, and 50 articles in the proceedings of international conferences as well as several books.

Favourite (interior) architecture project

My favorite project is the art deco building “Edificio García” which is located in Barranquilla (Colombia). Back in the days, using pioneering materials such as reinforced concrete, Edificio García was designed by the Cuban architect-engineer Manuel Carrerá in 1939. Also, this building still has one of the first elevators used in the country (Courtesy photo: Fernando Vengoechea).

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Mutsaardstraat 31 - 2000 Antwerpen - België

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