
Sam graduated as an engineer-architect at the University of Ghent in 2018. During his studies he stayed in Shanghai for half a year, taking classes at the Tongji University. In 2019 he expanded his experiences abroad by working as an engineer-architect at NG-Lab in Beijing. Afterwards he completed the Advanced Master of Human Settlements at KU Leuven, where he graduated in the summer of 2020. Since October 2020, he is working as a doctoral student on the FWO-financed project called ‘The emergence of interior architecture in Belgium, 1945-1999. Assessing the impact of education on the identity formation of the design discipline’, which is being supervised by prof. dr. ir.-arch. Els De Vos and prof. dr. ir.-arch. Fredie Floré (KU Leuven).
Favourite (interior)architecture project

Co-Living Courtyard by ZAO/standardarchitecture may be a repurposing project in Beijing’s notorious Baitasi area, the project succeeds where its consorts have failed dramatically. Serving as a weekend school for children in the aging hutong neighbourhood, the project offers not only a sensitive environment, it reinvigorates the dying neighbourhood. (photo: S. Vanhee)
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